36.....Moving forward

Start from the beginning

“Oh my god!” you yelled. You hugged him so hard and started laughing and almost crying, “So you aren't going to jail? Oh my god that’s so amazing!”

“Yeah, it is,” he laughed and the two of you got off the ground.

“So… when are you starting at UA?” you asked excitedly. 

“I’m not completely sure but I hope it's not too hard. And people in that class probably already know that I’m not the best. Cuz, well you know…” he got a little quiet. It was so awkward and it made your heart ache when you saw the regret and shame on his face. He was never a bad person. He was never and could never in a million years be a bad person even if he tried to be. He had a temper, yes, and he was protective. But that's not bad! He was just misled and confused and scared. Fuck the younge man in front of you was still a small scared little child who missed his mom and dad. 

“Hey,” you say, grabbing the sides of his face, and giving him a silly little kiss on his forehead, “Mmwa! You're all good Jin. You're great and amazing and I’m sure everyone is going to love you!” you assure him, “Right Kirishima?” 

“Uh huh. Everyone is going to love him,” he said in a half cherry voice. Wow. This boy was trying his god damned hardest to act like he liked Jin. 

“Very reassuring,” Jin said sarcastically. He straightened his back and walked up to Kirishima. He stood tall and above him and glared down at him.

“I hope like hell you didn't manage to make things worse here, Red. And I hope like hell that you didn't try anything with Y/n while I was away,” Jin warned, “I’ll fucking kill you if you did.”

“Hey! Let's just try and get along from now on. And Jin, I told you to be nice to him!” you said in a hushed tone.

“Kirishima, why don't you go find Mr. Aizawa, and go ask him when I’m being released. Yeah?” you asked. He let out a sigh but agreed. The second he left you threw yourself onto the bed and let out a deep sigh, “I swear the two of you are going to kill each other and I’m going to die by getting in the middle of it.”

“What? No way! Never in a million years would I want to hurt the guy that ruined everything and got us caught and me arrested and you in the hospital,” Jin said in a snarky tone while sitting on the bed next to you.

The thought of what he said made your stomach turn and do a flip. You try not to blame Kirishima anymore. 

“Uh… hey Jin,” you say a little unsurely.

“What's up Y/n?” he asked, stretching his arms.

“I’m going to be going into a rehab program. I'm going to stop smoking and drinking and getting high on whatever else we used to do. I'm done with that part of my life, and I’m ready to move forward with Kirishima,” you explained, trying to make this as easy as possible by just telling him right up. 

“With Kirishima?” he asked almost taken aback, “So you guys are actually like…” his voice cracked.

“Jin…. Hey..Hey it's ok,” you soothe. You put your hand on the back of his head and play with his hair. 

“I know,” he said, his voice shaky and squeaky, “A-and I knew that,” his voice cracked.

There it is. He put his hand up to his face, so that you could look at him, “I just really…..” he mumbled.

“Jin… you know that I love you as a brother. My best friend!” you try to say.

“I-I know!” His voice was so shaky and quiet. He sniffled and you could see the way his breath was staggering.

“Oh Jin…” you pull him into a hug. He refused to look at you. 

“I just thought that if I were to wait for you…That maybe,” he started. 

“No Jin.” you said firmly, “I told you that me and you were never going to happen.”
He cried into your shoulder, it made your heart hurt. But you knew that he needed to let go of this bizarre hope, of the two of you getting together.

“How can I just move on….. I’m losing you to that stupid red head. He’s going to take you away from me and you’re going to be getting better, while I’m stuck behind you,” he cried.

“Jin…. I’d never leave you behind. Kirishima isn't going to be taking me away from you,” you tell him. “I’m just ready to start a new chapter of my life. And I want you and Kirishima to be there.”

[a/n: Hey guys!!! I just want to say thnak you all for being so patient with me! I really just needed a break, and alot has happened. I think im doing a bit better now, and I think I'm going to try and start up the story again. It's almost over! Isn't that exciting? Well anyways, thanks again so so much for waiting on me. Also this chapter isn't very long, but in my defence, I kind of just pushed it out of my mind for a long while. Thanks again! I hope all of you enjoyed the chapter! Don't forget to vote! ]

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