Chapter 16 - Psycho Shower Scene

Start from the beginning

There's a pause, and then they both brandish their respective weapons.

"Behind the curtain, right?" Sunglasses says and sticks his head into the shower.

"Right," Zandra says.


"I know. There were scraping noises, and then nothing."

"Did you get a glimpse of the person?" Sunglasses says.

"I think I would've mentioned if I did."

Sunglasses spends the next 10 minutes checking over the room. He's especially interested in the mirrors in the bathroom and by the bed. He places a finger on each mirror, and in different locations of the glass.

"Making busy work for the cleaning staff?" Zandra says, looking at the smudgy fingerprints he leaves on the glass.

"Checking for a two-way mirror," Sunglasses says. "Press a finger to a mirror. If your finger and the finger's reflection touch, it's a two-way mirror. If there's a space between the two, it's a standard mirror."

"I thought you already cleared this room," Zandra says. She pays close attention to what parts of the room Sunglasses's focuses on, and what parts he doesn't.

"I did, but I'm being safe. Your room's been busy. Maybe trashing your room was a distraction to get observation points installed," Sunglasses says.

Not a bad point.

"What about trap doors?" Zandra says.

"Good idea," Sunglasses says and holsters the revolver. He fetches a broom from one of the closets and starts tapping its long, wooden handle on the floor by the bed.

"No. Stop. The bathroom. Check the bathroom," Zandra says.

"I'm just being thorough."

"Go be thorough in the bathroom."

Sunglasses obliges while Zandra watches. He taps each tile with the handle, listening for a hollow sound. He repeats the process on the walls, methodically tapping sections like a grid search. Nothing.

"I could get you another room if that would make you more comfortable," Sunglasses says.

Condescending prick.

"You think I imagined this," Zandra says through a throaty growl of rattling phlegm. She clears it with a cough into her sleeve.

"I didn't say that," Sunglasses says. "It's possible this person exited the room through the door and you didn't notice."

"I think I would've noticed."

"It's been a long day."

"I heard what I heard," Zandra says.

"No need to get defensive. I believe you're saying what you believe is true," Sunglasses says.

The old "truth" argument. There's "my truth" and there's "the truth." One bends to perception, and one doesn't give a shit what you think about it. I'm both.

"I'm going to get you a different room just to be safe," Sunglasses says.

Zandra takes a seat on the bed and presses a knuckle to the space between her eyebrows. "No."

"No?" Sunglasses says.

"I'm fine staying here."

Sunglasses cocks his head to one side. "You sure?"

Zandra closes her eyes and twists the knuckle. "You're right. It's been a long day. Maybe I imagined it."

Sunglasses doesn't say anything in response. He pauses, eyes on Zandra, and then gives a nod before leaving the room. Zandra's back on her feet as soon as he's gone.

The Broken Clock is Right Thrice: Confessions of a Fake Psychic Detective #4Where stories live. Discover now