Charmed Boxes and Late Night Calls

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A/N So, between all the distractions and all the kids the last two weeks have raced away from me. Seriously, how is it already almost Christmas?? My sweet little baby is already 6 weeks old and I've got stocking stuffers still to buy. So, here is another chapter at last, my apologies for the tardiness. I hope you enjoy it anyway!

Chapter 16

A few days into July and a week past the end of the Hogwarts term, an unfamiliar owl with another coded message from Severus arrived. Rather than show up at his home at Spinner's End as they'd planned, he asked to meet them in London—and three days sooner. 

Obviously concerned, the three Prewetts and Hermione apparated near the pup the erstwhile devoted Death Eater had suggested, all four of them prepared for attack. Opting to serve as lookout, Fabian sat on a bench just outside, a shield charm in place around himself just in case. 

The pub on the East End was small and nondescript. An older gentleman behind the bar, dimly lit with the buzz from a small telly in the corner showing a football match. Not unlike any other small pub in any other part of the city. 

It took them a moment to see Severus. Her eyes adjusting from the bright sun outside, Hermione squinted around looking for black robes. Not seeing his signature look, she could have kicked herself when her eyes finally landed on a very different looking Severus Snape. 

His hair was the same, though held out of his face by a pair of wire rimmed sunglasses perched on the top of his head. The t-shirt he wore beneath an ill fitted denim jacket was black but that was the only thing that seemed at all 'Snape-like'. From where she stood, she could make out a rather dingy looking pair of high waisted jeans, unfortunately typical for the decade and worn black leather boots. He looked exactly like the poor, working class muggle he might have been in another life.

Swallowing thickly and scanning the room once more now her eyes had adjusted, Hermione led George and Gideon over to the selected booth. She would have preferred to be the ones sitting facing the only exit, but she slid into the seat across from Severus anyway. As she did so, she noticed the feel of magic slide over her. The sound of the telly faded to a dull hum in the background. A muffliato, and likely some kind of anti muggle charm as well. 


He nodded once, looking past her towards the door briefly before eyeing them all more critically. "Managed to all look passingly muggle."

Smirking despite the tightness of his shoulders, Gideon couldn't help but remark. "Not all purebloods are so isolated. My brother and I have been known to frequent muggle London. Even managed the underground recently, eh George?"

Severus arched a skeptical brow, turning his questioning gaze to Hermione. "Did they really?"

Rolling her eyes, Hermione scoffed softly. "Apparently, but that's not why we're here, Severus. Why did you move up the meeting and change location?"

He glanced at Gideon one last time with an expression that made her think he was reevaluating his initial impression of the older wizard before turning back to her, much more serious. "I've recently had a surprise visit at home from some of my… associates. Of course they knew where I lived, but they hadn't ever shown up unannounced. It made me think it might not be in our best interest to meet there lest they pop round like that again."

Some of the tension left her at his explanation. It made more sense anyway to meet at a random muggle pub than the home of their spy when the other Death Eaters could show up at any time. "And the date? Why today?"

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