Oh? So she was going to go to that guy's house today. Ben.. from the swim team was it? I don't have any dirt on him.. yet.

"Yeah Ben, I have to go" Emily said to him.
It sounded like she wanted to avoid talking to him.
She was walking towards the door, I have to move.

I was about to move when she turned around and was still on the phone.

"I can't wait for tonight. My lips locked with yours, my room-" Ben whispered through the microphone, which allowed Emily to hear his revolting ideas.

I can't listen to this anymore.

Emily's POV
"..my lips locked with yours,my room and my bed.." his words made me feel uneasy. It didn't feel right.
What he kept saying, I wasn't focused on.
I was focused on the person behind me, the person on my mind.
I was mesmerized by her.

"Em?" Ben repeated
"Ah, y-yeah sorry Ben.. I-I really have to go. I-I'll see you later." I ended the call with my eyes still locked with Alison's.

I was still furious at her.
But she was so god-damn beautiful.
With that white dress that fit around her curves perfectly, short but not too short, short enough to reveal her tanned legs, which stood out with her new glamourous hot pink heels.

"Hey." she spoke, leaning against the wall.

"I mean you've already got your stomach full. It's going to burst if you eat anymore"

What she said to Hanna replayed in my head.

I shook off any thoughts about her that I had right now.

"What do you want?" I said to her putting my phone in my pocket.

Her cold blue eyes, looked down.
And when she lifted them up, warmed up and sparkled.

She looked so sincere.
As if I became more furious with her, she would shatter.

"I..I just wanted to say that, I'm sorry.." she mumbled
but it was enough. I could hear it loud and clear.

"I shouldn't be the one that you say that to." I walked past her and had my hand on the doorknob and twisted it open.

Everyone had their eyes on me as I sat down next to Hanna.
I smiled at Hanna and could feel a pair of eyes glaring at me.
I ignored it.

"So, who were you talking to?" Aria asked as Spencer looked up from her paper eager to know.

"I-It was Ben."

They all immediately shot up.
"We could hear your giggling from all the way in here. Now tell us." Spencer insisted.

I heard Alison scoff and walk to her mirror when her phone buzzed and she picked it up and smiled.

"He wants me to come over to his house tonight." I shyly told them

"Oh my god!" Hanna hugged me
"You are totally getting action!" Hanna squealed.

Alison put down her phone.
"So, show me your moves Fields." Alison walked over to us

"She was the first to lose her V-card." Hanna reminded

"T-There's not anything I can really do.. since there's Ben." Emily responded

"Since there's Ben eh?" Spencer nudged Emily winking at her

"I bet Ben does all the work does he?" Alison questioned

I felt so attacked right now.
Instead of helping me when she knows the truth, she's teaming up with them.

"So, between Ali and Em who've both lost their V-cards, which we all know they both don't leave it to their partners, they do take some action too; who would be better?" Spencer raised a poll

I started sweating.

"Hmm... maybe Emily." Hanna said
"Probably Ali, since you know, she's one of Rosewood's hottest and has the most experience." Aria implied
Spencer nodded in agreement.
"But we wouldn't know." Spencer sighed

"How about you two show us what you got? On eachother. We'll judge it." Hanna suggested.

All eyes went on Hanna.

Spencer thought about it for a while and then nodded.

Aria just shrugged.
"So how about it Ali?" Spencer asked.
"Sure. I'm okay with it. There's not a problem with it, is there Em?" Ali smirked while the other three looked at me waiting for me to agree.

If I say no, they'll know something's up.

"Okay." I agreed.

The three left the room for me and Ali to get into our position because I said it was embarrassing.

"So, whose ontop?" Alison smirked as she sat on the other side of her bed.

"I-I don't mind." I said to her
But honestly, right now, its so hot.
I'm burning. To do this; with Ali.
I do mind. It bothers me.

"I always prefer being ontop." she broke me out of my thoughts

I just nodded as, we cleared the stuff off her bed and I lied down on her bed.

I'm totally not prepared for this.
She crawled onto the bed her legs apart keeping mine inbetween hers,
her earrings dangling onto my body.

"You can come in now." Alison chuckled.

All three, Hanna,Spencer, and Aria came into the room; watching us,

"So are you guys ready?" Ali asked them as they nodded.
They seem to want to watch for their own individual experiences.

"Mermaid, are you ready?" her eyes locked with mine, her sweet eyes and voice.
I nodded.

I have never actually done this before. And she knows it.

So, I'm so excited to write when I get comments! It's nice to see! I feel more motivated.

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