Role models

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Ever since I was young, I needed someone to worship. I suppose it's just part of human nature. Maybe it's programmed into humans from God but anyway. Right at this moment, I wanted to talk about my human role models.

I have only had three real role models who I wanted to be like. The first was my brother. He is an amazing person. Although some people may argue that he has his imperfections, to me he was always somehow perfect in what he did. He was smart, funny, popular, good at computer games, piano, chess and studies. Basically, he was all I wanted to be. He was the best brother a boy could wish for.

That's not to say that we got on well all the time though, it was inevitable that we would fight over things but I always looked up to him and thought he was the best person in the world. He is six years older than me and would often tease me, sometimes about my intelligence and other times about my skill either in chess or piano or studying. I was lazy but smart when I was young and I always wanted to impress him. At times though, I would be quite mischievous or annoying to him. I used to snitch on him playing computer games because I felt it unfair that I could not play. I recognise now that that was perhaps a great mistake. I regret doing that, and I can see myself through my friend's smaller brother now. His brother was like me when I was younger. Thus, my friend sometimes gets pulled out of games with me.

I always loved those times when he dropped me a compliment although that was really rare. My most memorable memories these days are of when he complimented me. I remember having played a game of chess once and showing it to him. The most clear thing I can remember from then was when he told me that I played like a grandmaster. I was so happy! I remember looking out at the sky from the transparent glass of my conservatory and thinking how beautiful the world was. I saw the trees and then the stars and I thought to myself, life is good!

The second time was when I was playing piano and I wanted my mother to turn the page at a certain time. I can't remember precisely what happened then, I think perhaps I may have told her off for turning the page at the wrong time or something. If that did happen then I regret doing that. Anyway, my brother came over and told me that I wouldn't be able to flip the page at the right time for his piece. Well, I proved him wrong and he called me a genius and to this day, I will always love the piece 'The promise-The heart asks pleasure first' by Michael Nyman. I also remember him playing that piece at night time and me sleeping to that music.

My second role model was actually introduced to me by my brother. At around the year 2006, my brother who saw that I loved books decided to buy me one of J.K Rowling's famous books. Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone. It's funny because I remember not liking it at first. I got up to the part of the story talking about a black cat and I thought, what is this rubbish? Why do I care what a cat does! So I stopped reading it at that point. How naive and stupid I was!

However, my brother began to read the book to me and I fell in love with the book. This book turned out to be one of the books that I would read again and again loving the story every time. Then I began to devour the harry potter books and in 2008 I had finished all of them. I was eight at that time. However, though I loved J.K Rowlings written work, I did not know much about her and so she was not the same role model as my brother. I loved her writing but knew nothing about her.

When I was thirteen, my brother got 45/45 in his IB and went off to university leaving me at home without my greatest role model. I needed to get someone for this time.

Throughout my life there have been many favourite authors. I started off loving Roald Dahl, then J.K Rowling and soon after there were others like Charlie Higson, Neil Gaiaman and then Cornelia Funke whom wrote about things that I would only daydream of. They have inspired me and also really kept me from depression at times. I love them all. However, through all of these, I only consider J.K Rowling to be my role model. I am not sure why though.

Anyway, my last role model, is actually a wattpader. He's very famous and very talented. I reckon those fantasy readers among you all know him! He was a really nice surprise to me. I started reading his book and I commented on one of his chapters not expecting a reply as I recognised that such a famous book would have loads and loads of comments and so the author would have to work really hard to answer every comment. I was even more surprised when I private messaged him and he replied me!

I had never been able to converse so freely with such a famous author and I felt exhilarated. He even followed me and was really nice and kind to me. We would have chats about his book and other things. He is the greatest guy I've ever met along with my brother and, he would talk to me as a friend. This person has actually helped me a lot. Though he does not know this, he has helped me many times and stopped me from going into depression. His books would always be able to distract my mind from any problems I was experiencing and his kind words always gave me hope in the world. This person is of course, Taran Matharu

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