Chapter 6

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Morioh, 1992

Monday, 4:00 pm

"Mommy... Where daddy at?" The two year old boy ask, confused.

(Y/N) glance down at the him and smile. She explained to him that his father was at work and is busy doing his job. Yoshiko crossed his arms and pout, telling her that he didn't want to wait for Kira to go home. (Y/N) smile widely and crouched down, she grab a book about dinosaurs and told him that'll she'll read a story for him while he wait for Kira to come home. Yoshiko shook his head and look away from her.

"I don't want that! I want daddy to come home!" He yelled, glaring at her.

(Y/N) couldn't help but sigh and stand up, she place the book back on the shelf. Her eyes darted outside the window, she saw a dark figure creeping behind the tree making her look away. She quickly closed the curtains and look down at Yoshiko. She felt something bad going to happen, she could feel it due to her instincts tingling. She pick Yoshiko up and walk towards his bedroom. She place him on his play mat that has toys around it. She watch as Yoshiko started playing blocks that has letters in it. She smile and decided to play with him while she waited for Kira.

"Mommy! Build house!" Yoshiko said, cheerily.

(Y/N) nod her head and grab some blocks before starting to build a small house that her son have requested. She clearly forgot about the creepy man that kept walking around like a stalker, by the looks of him, he was more than just a stalker or something but who knows. As Yoshiko and his mother play, a knock on the door could be heard making (Y/N) look up at the clock: 4:30 pm. It's impossible for them to have a visitor at that time and certainly not Kira, it's too early for him to come back home. Perhaps, her brother? Or maybe, her sister-in-law?

(Y/N) sighed and excused herself before walking out of the room then downstairs to open the door. She open the door to see a tall figure towering over her, she look up and saw a man wearing a dark suit. She cocked her head to the side, thinking who he was. Suddenly, the man pushed her to the side making her fall in the floor. She gasp when the man grab her collar, lifting her up and glaring at her. She grope his wrists, trying to break free but failed. The man started asking about Kira but she refused to speak, however, the man forced her to say it.

"Where's that fucking killer?! I need to see and kill him. He killed my fucking girlfriend, right in front of me!" The man yelled, angrily.

(Y/N) started crying at how tight his grip was, but she couldn't believe what he said. Her husband, a killer? That would be impossible! Kira wouldn't do such a thing, he is so nice and kind despite the cold façade he wear. She certainly not going to believe this man's lies, and she would never tell anyone about Kira nor would she want to. A sudden pain shot her stomach as the man punch her making her cough up blood. The man drop her in the floor, a scowl in his face as he stare at her. She started crawling away from him but the man grab her ankle and pull her towards him.

"You fucking whore, why wouldn't you tell me about that killer?! I'll make sure you're going to-"

"Mommy? Where are you?"

The sound of the soft voice made (Y/N) look up to see Yoshiko standing at the end of the stairs, fear written in his face. The man smirk and let her ankle go, he walk towards the young boy with a sinister look on his face. (Y/N) slowly stand up and rush towards him, she grab his arm, trying to stop him from getting close to her son. The man groan in annoyance and quickly slap her in the face making her fall in the floor once again.

"Yoshiko, run!" (Y/N) yelled making the boy run.

(Y/N)'s ears perk up when she heard keys jingling from outside. She slowly crawl towards the door, her eyes filling with hope and happiness when she realize it was Kira. She watch as the door slowly open revealing her husband, she smile at him before slowly standing up. Kira glance down at her and gasp, he drop his bag and keys. His eyes soon darted towards the man, his eyes started filling with hatred and anger. Killer Queen appeared behind Kira with a menacing aura, its cat-like eyes glow red and his features were dark like night.

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