Chapter 8: Positive Developments in the Stone Bridge Tower

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Lying on the floor of the Stone Bridge Tower I looked up at the ceiling above me. It was late and I knew that I probably wouldn't be back before curfew, but I tried not to think about that, tried to live in the moment. I still felt very full from all the pastries I had had with Graham and sick enough to be unable to form a coherent thought anyhow.

I gazed up at the rounded ceiling in my gruesome stupor. Like many of the Hogwarts castle ceilings, this one had been embellished with an enormous illustration. I didn't believe many students of the school had even noticed it was there, mostly because people hardly ever went here. I didn't blame them, as it wasn't the most exciting of towers. I only went here because it was closest the tower to my dorm. With a school as grand as this one, it was easy to miss little gems like this one.

Because this was the Stone Bridge Tower, and it was closest to the greenhouses, the painting featured things that related to nature, in service to that. In its centre, taking up more space than anything else, was a thunderbird with its wings flaunted. Half of the background depicted a thunderstorm, gradually turning into serene weather conditions on the other half. There was a wide range of different creatures and plants spread out across the painting. Pomona once told me that there were over a hundred bowtruckles placed throughout the picture. Whenever I lay there, which I did from time to time, I would try and spot one I hadn't spotted before.

I lay there for I don't know how long until I heard footsteps coming toward me. Someone was walking up the staircase and I prayed to Merlin it wasn't Mr. Filch as it was probably nearing curfew now. I was sort of scared as I lay there, not daring to move. I then further prayed that it wasn't Oliver when I realised that that could be a plausible explanation as well. PJ had after all thought that he wanted to speak with me. I tried to calm myself, thinking that it was irrational to assume that Oliver would be out of his dorm this close to curfew anyway.

But his figure was still the one that appeared at the top of the stairs. Funnily enough, for the first time this week, he brought with him a wave of relief. As it turned out, no matter how annoying Oliver Wood could be, I would much rather take him than Mr. Filch.

Despite the relief, I hadn't forgotten who he was and I proceeded to turn my attention back to the painting. I focused what was now a glare on the thunderbird above me.

Curtly I said, "I thought you were seeking PJ?" I tried not to appear awkward, even though it felt odd lying down in the middle of a conversation.

Trying not to look at Oliver I listened to his voice as he spoke, "Jansson you mean? I wanted to talk to her as you are not... um... but she told me that I'd better take it with you, and she referred me to this place." His voice was soft as he moved around the tower, not quite familiar with it. I once again tried not to pay his movements any attention.

My eyebrows fell into a frown. How come PJ didn't have my back? I gave a sigh, mostly for show, "So what am I doing now that's troubling you, Oliver?"

He'd been looking out a window, but now he stopped and turned toward me, but I stayed put, "I'm just curious as to what you're trying to pull." Tone no longer soft.

"What ever do you mean?" I asked with half interest.

"You can't book all week." Oliver said simply. So that was why he'd come here, honestly I was disappointed. I'd thought at least he'd have an acceptable reason for hunting me down.

My eyebrows were raised, "If that is the sole reason you came down here, then you need to sort out your priorities."

"It is the reason." He declared, and I might have detected a little bit of uncertainty in his voice.

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