Harry smiled softly. He truly loved children. "Thank you. Do you want me to carry you?" he asked, gently.

Harlow turned away when Harry picked Ernest up. She buried her face in Louis's neck, and remained silent, but her lingering scent was that of sadness. Louis could not imagine Harlow's thought process right now, but he believed that Harlow thought Harry was replacing her so after a few minutes, Louis nudged Harry softly, and gestured towards Harlow.

Harry understood immediately. "Mom, can you take Erny?" he asked.

The beta woman nodded before taking Ernest from Harry's arms. "Food will be ready in a moment. Girls, follow me," she said as she disappeared around a corner.

"Harly?" Harry asked. The girl turned her head, and rested it on Louis's shoulder. "What's wrong darling?"

She sniffled. "Mama no love me anymore," she muffled into Louis's t-shirt.

Harry's heart cracked. "Come here, Harly." He held his hands out to which Louis handed the little girl over. "Of course, I love you. I will always love you. You're my little girl. I carried little Erny because Louis was carrying you, darling," he explained gently.

Louis watched as a small frown made an appearance on her face. "I sorry, mama," she whispered.

Harry nudged her face with his nose. "No, baby. Don't apologize," he said. The little girl hugged his neck tightly, and Louis laced his fingers with Harry's before gently tugging them towards the dining room.

The laughter, and chatter filling the room remained unlike at the office, and Louis pulled out chairs for both the omegas before seating himself down right beside Harry.

The meal remained quiet until Daisy's curiosity wins over. "So, are you two dating?" Her question was followed by a smack from Lottie.

Harry stilled, looking at Louis nervously. Harry wanted to say yes, but that would be a lie, and Harry was sure Louis would be mad at him so he was surprised when Louis answered. "If Harry wants to," his voice sounded hopeful, and Harry started blushing profusely.

All eyes were on him, and when Louis's hand rested itself on his thigh, he was sure everyone could hear his racing heartbeat. "I-I would like that," he mumbled softly.

Louis gives Harry's thigh a soft squeeze. "Yes, Daisy, we are dating then," he said excitedly.

»»————- ★ ————-««

"I'm sorry if I put you on the spot back there, and if you felt like you were forced to agree. You can still decline," Louis rushed out as he walked through Harry's apartment after Harlow was tucked in. It was not too big, but it felt comfortable.

Harry turned around to face him while biting his lip. "I uhm I don't want to decline," he said before quickly turning around to conceal his blush.

Harlow was tucked into bed, and Harry was preparing the following day's meals. "Omega," Louis said gently as he approached Harry.

Harry stilled, but did not turn around until Louis turned him around to face him. He could take years just committing the little things about Harry to his memory, but right now, they needed to talk. "Do not turn away from me when we are talking," he said, a bit demanding, but it was not the same as when Arnold demanded something from him.

Harry looked down, finding his feet extremely interesting. "I just - uhm were you serious when you said that?" Harry asked, nervously.

Louis tilted Harry's chin, and gave it a light squeeze. "I would never joke about something that serious," he said while stroking Harry's cheek with his thumb. "I have never once in my life felt the need to have a family of my own or have children running around or even an omega, but then I met you, and you turned all the things I thought I wanted on its axis. Suddenly, I wanted everything—I want everything— with you, love. Every time I see you, I feel like a teenager with a crush. I feel this desire to protect you, to cherish you. It doesn't end with you though. Harlow. I feel so protective of her, and I know I am not her father, and alpha's do not normally care for a child that is not their own, but she is such a sweet girl. I want to take her to the movies, the park. I want everything with you, and I know what you are going to say. You are going to convince me that you are not good enough or that you are not worth it, but you are. You are so so worth everything this world has to offer. I want to deserve you. I want to deserve Harlow. I want to be her father one day even if it is not by blood," Louis finished.

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