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Charlotte's POV:

I was close. I could feel it. Walking through the woods was so familiar. I will be successfully saving my brother in only a few short hours.

Until I heard a rustling near me. I tried to focus my hearing on it, trying to figure out which way the thing was coming.

I heard a growl, a low one. One unlike any other creature I'd heard. Cautiously I turned to face where it was coming from.

I saw it. The eyes at least, they glowed a bright yellow. I wanted to run, but something in me said I should not. Slowly the creature showed itself to me. It resembled a wolf, but larger than any earthly ones. It was pure white as well. It stared at me, ready for a fight. I did not move.

It did not seem to me like it wanted to kill me. I looked down at my knife I held in my hand and gripped it hard. The wolf reacted with loud snarl and a small jump towards me.

I could not fight this. If this was what was planned for me it was.

"I am not going to fight you." I said, slowly squatting to put my knife on the ground, keeping eye contact the entire time. "I do not want to kill you." I prayed it could understand me.

The wolf stopped. It stared at me, circled me, but it wasn't growling. Our positions stayed like this for 2 minutes at least before I decided to reach my hand out to it.

Cautiously the wolf approached me. Sniffing my hand and the rest of me. Then it paused at my pocket. I remembered I had stored some of the nuts and berries I had found only an hour before.

"Is that what you wanted?" I asked, slowly reaching my hand into my pocket. I took them out and placed them on the ground for the wolf, which happily ate the food.

When it finished it repaid me with a nudge of appreciation. I pet the top of its head, I could not believe I was now petting a wolf whose eyes were no longer and eery yellow but a generous green.

"Do you trust me now?" I asked, my answer was another nudge. I looked at the sky, My guess was I had three hours to find camp. "I have to find Pan's camp." I spoke aloud, "I need to go." I pet its head before walking back in the direction I needed to go.

The wolf stuck with me, a little behind. Probably still trying to figure out if they could trust me. I would be there in 30 minutes and I knew I was so close.

"Another interesting choice." I heard to my left, I knew it was Pan. His slow claps angered me. I could hear my wolf friend begin to growl.

"That has never been a choice made except by one other person." He said walking in front of me. "Usually the lost boy is to kill the creature then wear its skins.

"I don't like to see things die for no reason. So I guess I'm just full of surprises today." I fake smiled before pushing past him.

"Why are you leaving, love? You want to be a lost boy don't you?" He asked. Which was an ironic question, as if there was a choice.

"I want to save my brother." I said.

"And you have. You've gone through all my tests." He said, smirking.

"But I haven't found the camp yet." I said.

"Its not about finding the camp, it's about how you did it. And you would've found it within the next 5 minutes anyway." He shrugged. "But you also failed 2/3 of your tests if we were basing this on the average boy. But you've shown more cleverness, spunk, and intelligence than most of these boys." He smirked.

"So does this mean..?"

"This means welcome to Neverland, our little Lost Girl."

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