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Peter's Point of View:

"Is she dead yet?" Felix asked, chuckling, as I walked back into camp.

"No. And shes much closer than we thought she would be." I told him then gestured for him to follow me away from the other boys while they were playing games.

"What are we to do about her?" He asked as soon as we were out of earshot of the other boys.

"Nothing." I decided.

"Nothing? Pan, you know the proficy. A girl is supposed to come and she will be the weakness of this camp. Don't tell me she's already making you soft with her 'charm'." He told me.

"I don't need the reminder of all the proficys of this camp. There was one that I shall die without the heart of the truest believer, one that the Dark One should have died killing me. Have I not prevented all of that? Does it seem like I've gone soft?" I reassured him by ripping his heart out to show him.

"Of course not, Pan. Peter Pan never fails." I gave it back to allow him to breathe.

"What happens if she makes it here?" He asked after catching his breath.

"She becomes one of us. She'll have earned it, trust me. It's just like if we had gotten her brother. She will make it, she has lost boy running in her veins, remember?" I said, thinking about whats next for her test. I wanted to help but I knew she wouldn't let me. "Her father will be back soon enough. And won't he just be delighted to see that I have the loyalty of his beloved daughter." I told him. He smirked and started off back to the lost boys.

"Besides Felix, she may become useful besides being a lure." Once he was out of sight I began walking to my thinking tree.

The girl doesn't trust me, and for good reason. Her father probably told her all the real stories of here. But I needed to gain her trust to have her here. That is what will torture her father for betraying me. She doesn't have to trust me, she just has to think she does.

Felix had told me of the way he was worried a girl would loosen my grip on the lost boys. That was impossible. Im stronger than ever, forever immortal.

She is but a pawn in my game for her father. An amusement. The future told of a strange relationship but the pieces are not fitting correctly. Part of it is blocked from me which is unusual with my power.

The future is tricky to tell. Images of the girl in lost boy clothing came to mind. Images of her yelling, being angry came to mind with feelings of disappointment and loneliness.

There was a time centuries before when another girl was on this island. But she was foolish, a waste of our time and resources. Her brothers could never do what we asked. That was surely our weakness.

This girl could possibly help our cleverness. Shes already smarter than most of the boys here.

Oh, do we have plans for her. A new difficult task was coming her way. I wasn't lying when I told her that she had 2/3 tests done. But the last one was not to find the camp.

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