"Why would you try to better his life after he ruined yours?" Buck asked, he stood from the couch and paced around.

"Because the only way I thought I could move on was if I helped him do it to, but that changed. That's why I cut him off of all contact"

"Can't he pay you back or something"

Kate stood up, "I don't want it back Buck, I didn't give it to him with expectations of getting it back. I did it to try and help him so my family wouldn't have to be put at risk again."

"He's ruined your life, he's tore you apart more than once and that's only what I've seen here. How can you just-..

"Buck if I wanted a lecture I would have asked for one, I told you to be honest okay. We are not some 1960s married couple, what I do with my money had nothing to do with you"

"I just don't understand-

"Understand this, it's done, it's paid for and you mightn't understand why but you don't have to. I can't give you one exact reason why I did it because I don't even know, but there's nothing to be done now" she argued

"You could take the money back!"

"Buck he has no money!" Kate yelled "he's broke and a part of me felt obligated to help so I did, but if he's sober and he stays sober that he will move on. He will put me behind him and that's what I need"

Bucks brows furrowed, one thought crossed his mind "do you still care about him?

Kates face fell from its stern expression "Evan buckley, or course I don't care about him!" She yelled.
"Kate I-..

"I'm not doing this" she shook her head "I'm done arguing about this, I'm going to bed"

She turned from Buck and walked down the short hallway, neither of them considered the what would happen in a right with their whole living situation.

Kate locked her door, she landed on her bed in a huff.

Their first fight had to happen eventually.


The day had passed quietly, apart from the bomb that was left outside Athena grants front door; that caused worries to rise but the 118 tried to reassure themselves and others.

Kate had said barely two words to Buck all day, he hadn't tried either.

It's not like Kate didn't want to talk to him, she always wanted to talk him but right now she wasn't sure what to say, maybe he right about her helping Adam but he had to understand too and not question her reasons

"You and Buck talk yet?" Eddie asked

"Nope" Kate answered, popping the p.

"I think he's sorry, he's been moping all day" Eddie's tried to help

"Yeah me too" Kate sighed, "maybe I was too quick  to get mad but he shouldn't question my choices, or ask if I still-

"Kate his last girlfriend said she was going away for a few months and never came back, he has some trust issues and sure you do too because it doesn't sound like he was questing but rather he was trying to understand"

Kate sighed, dropped her head into her hands "he's not Adam"

"And you aren't Abby, but sometimes people can forget that"

Their conversation was cut short by the wailing alarm that signaled a call.

Eddie and Kate ran down the stairs and grabbed their gear, following their crew to the separate trucks

𝙁𝙡𝘼𝙈𝙀 // 𝙀𝙑𝘼𝙉 𝘽𝙐𝘾𝙆𝙇𝙀𝙔 Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu