"Now, shall we begin?"


Jay looked behind himself to Caleb, who was gazing around the woods. "The warehouse is this way?" Caleb nodded. "There is a road that leads to it by the cemetery, but if you follow the road, it leads to a dead end." Jay raised an eyebrow.

"Really?" Caleb shrugged. "I may have partook in that action. He looked up to Jay. "But who cares right? I had two years to do it, and no on went down that road anyway, every one in that cemetery who had family stopped showing up, flowers rotted, dying slowly, words from loved ones becoming a faint hiss in the wind."

Jay kept his eyes on Caleb as he walked forward. "You know, when I was your age, I had a childhood friend, he was a very different friend, a special vampire, you see, I could show up in daylight, I had Klara's sister for that, but he was...just someone I could turn to, he was the best friend a lost soul could ever have.

"I was born a vampire, then, cast aside so my parents could escape from the chambers of the elders-or the older vampires, ones that have lived longer than anyone, human and supernatural-he was there with me when a family took me in, I could imagine the look on there face, a child, not even a day old, slowly dying.

"And I was a vampire, they knew that the moment they looked me in the eye. I guess that's why they took me in, because they wanted a child of their own." Jay looked down and as he walked, drew a small smile on his face. Caleb was now walking beside him, listening.

"My mother then told me the reason they couldn't have a child of their own. They weren't paired. They went against the laws that said that vampires all had Ones, and they fell for each other. But they couldn't have another child. I realized that my parents went behind the backs of the elders, just for love.

"That when so met him. He was a wild person back then, older than me, not even an adult yet, I was still growing, trying to figure out human blood from animal blood, he was always my neighbor, my friend, when I was on the verge of anger, he was there, telling me all the things I had to follow the rules for.

"And he knew my parents were criminals, wanted for falling in love with each other...and not their own pair. He was my family as I watched my mother get set on fire, he was there to hold me back as I looked into my fathers eyes....

"As they broke his kneck and burned him with my mother. I was angry, hatred sweeping into my veins faster than any human or physical thing. And that's when I would start to learn how to kill an elder, I would practice day and night, killing humans and taking their blood, not caring about the rules, their family, or the elders.

"But then...I met her, and even though she was a werewolf, I loved her. I ran into her as she was running through the woods, she was laughing at someone, I was hidden in the trees, nighttime was my only time to get things done, I was trying to get some hunting finished when so heard her laugh.

"I was so caught, driven by it, you could even say I was transfixed, mesmerized, I slipped from the tree right into her path. And I looked into her eyes. And as I looked at her, directly in the moonlight, I knew I wanted to protect her, and I knew I would have to tell her all the things I had done.

"But she accepted me, and made me a better person, so we would meet in secret, and we would spend nights together just...talking, until she announced that nights weren't enough for her, she wanted to see me in the day. So she talked her twin into making me a necklace that could make me able to stand the sun.

"The elders soon found out about me with a werewolf, an they came after me, it was before we had Levi and Vann, she was pregnant, her parents, loving me and approving me, even though I was a vampire, I was corners by them one day while I was getting food for Klara, I then noticed my best friend in the semi-circle, black robe...

"And red eyes."

Caleb looked at Jay in shock from this sudden information. "He wanted to protect me, but I kept breaking rules, going against the Elders, marrying a werewolf, joining her pack, and even getting her pregnant, so as I stood before him and told the circle to kill me, but to never touch my family...

"They let me go, he told them that the deed was done, and that it was highly impossible to have a hybrid nowadays, he made me promise that if I had a hybrid child I would give it to them. I promised and watched them leave.

"I wanted to thank my best friend, but he just shook me off and told me not to do any thing stupid." Jay looked up to the building up ahead, and looked over to Caleb. "And I know that I made a promise, but seeing Ethan in my sister-in-laws arms made me keep him a secret, she was a hybrid too, but she kept it quiet.

"But then Klara had Melodi...and I fell in love. She was the perfect little thing, but she started to grow fangs, and even in her baby years, we could tell she would be too powerful to keep a secret, just like Ethan, so on her tenth birthday, her auntie gave her the bracelet that we stayed up all night making, being as though it needed a lot of things I had to hunt for, we even put a tracker in it.

"But we knew it wouldn't keep her hidden for long, so as she was taken, we tried using the tracker, but it was leading us the wrong way, then, it was destroyed, and now, as I looked for my baby girl again, I realize that this time..." Jay slid away form the silent realization.

"They may have found her." Caleb said in a low voice. Jay opened his mouth, prepared to say something, when he saw a man saying in front of the warehouse. "Do you know him?" Jay questioned in a low voice, Caleb shook his head. "No..I don't think I do."

As they approached the building, a scent hit the two of them. The man spun around.

Caleb stopped as he took in the stranger.

"Dad?" He whispered.

The man smiled.

"Miss me?"


Two words...

Happy Easter!

I know so am late on that but I wanted to finish the chapter first.

And get this guys...I put cliffhangers in this one.

Sorry, I know how you all hate them but *sighs* it had to be done.

Anyway, I love you guys, I hope you enjoyed your spring break and I hope when testing comes around.. you remain calm and kill it.

Love ya,

The Returned Mate (BWWM) |TO BE UNPUBLISHED AND EDITED OCTOBER 2016|Where stories live. Discover now