Chapter 10: Ultimate Betrayal (Part 01)

Start from the beginning

"Is something wrong?" Raven placed her hand on his shoulder.

"It's nothing," Angel put his hands in his pockets. "So you and your sister were in a training camp. How did you stumble across this place?" He walked next to her, taking hold of her hand. "I thought that werewolves weren't allowed to leave training camps. At least not until they get assigned to a pack." He wondered. "Not that I know much about werewolf customs. Lord Alexander doesn't see the point of us learning your ways when our job is to-," He cut his words. "I'm getting off topic,"

"I suppose that would make sense." Raven agreed. "Why learn about your enemies' and their customs? When you're only going to kill them all anyway." She stopped at a cave. There was a large rock blocking the entrance. "We're here, me and my sister's secret hiding place." She walked up to the large rock.

"We found this place by accident," Raven explained. "This part of the forest." She tried to move the rock but was struggling with it. "It doesn't belong to the werewolves or the vampires," She kept trying to push the rock. "I'm not sure who this forest belongs to but neither side travels out this far." She let out a deep sigh.

"It won't budge," Raven put her hands on her hips. "It usually takes me and my sister to move this," She stepped back. "I could transform but then." She turned around noticing he was standing behind her. "No that would be a bad idea," Wait, her dress, it had to be expensive. She didn't want to ruin it. Unless, she was thinking about-. Angel forced a swallow, surely not, she wouldn't get naked in front of him. "Close your eyes for a sec, just for a sec," Raven assured him. "I just need to move this rock real quick. Whatever you do, no peeking." She started to remove her dress.

"Actually," Angel fixed the strap on her dress. "Why don't you let me give it a try?" He offered. Besides, he didn't want to miss this opportunity to impress the woman of his dreams. That would be foolish of him. "I wouldn't want you to ruin your nice dress." He gestured. Raven casually stepped aside. He approached the large rock. He wasn't cut out for heavy lifting. This task was more of a Brandon or Ziek task. Still, if Lord Alexander's training holds its promise. He should be fine.

"Hold this," Angel handed her back her high heels and removed his suit jacket. He pressed his shoulder against one side of the rock and began pushing. "Damn," He let out a grunt as he tried to move it with strength alone. "Damn, it's heavier than I thought." He couldn't get it to budge so much for trying to impress her. Raven was over here laughing at him. Luckily, he didn't need muscle, he had a better idea.

Angel placed his hand on the large rock placing a curse on it. This curse was the very small drawing of a feather barely noticeable at night. Though, a lot of his curses are since they are written in black. With this curse, the rock would become light as if it were just a mere feather. If strength fails you, then one must learn to rely on brains instead. He used one arm to push the large rock aside showing little to no effort. "Ladies first," He stepped to the side letting her pass. Raven began clapping for him.

"Strong and fast," Raven acknowledged. "I like it." She went to walk by him. Angel took her hand and held it.

"Prince charming at your service." Angel pressed his lips against the top part of her hand. Raven shook her head at him and walked inside. "Let me just move this back," He scooted the large rock back in place. Angel removed the feather curse and placed a new curse on the rock just in case they were still being followed by the dark figure.

This particular curse was the drawing of an eye, it notified him when someone touched the rock. It allowed him to see that person and immediately identify them. This way if they were being followed, it gave Angel the edge. As a precaution, He blended the curse with another one. The invisibility curse. This would mask the curse from view making it difficult for their pursuer to notice the original curse. Once they touched that rock, he would know exactly who and what he was up against. Let's see their pursuer try to outsmart this trick...

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