Authors note

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Dear readers,

I just want to thank everyone who read this book and the book before this one and voted on it. I know it wasn't the best thing in the world but I'm glad you liked it. I hope you enjoyed it and I made you genuinely interested and invested in the story because truthfully that's all I ever wanted.

I don't know if you could tell or not, but in case you couldn't, I'm going to clear it up. This is the final book on the series. Might even be the last book I ever write on here.

I hope you aren't disappointed. However, I cannot keep writing about these kids even when I'm out of ideas. There comes a time when every author must end their works. And I'd rather end it now. I don't want to spend more time continuing to write a story that stopped being good a while ago. In fact, this might be the book where everything went downhill.

I honestly don't know if this book wasn't as popular as the first because I didn't promote it or this book just wasn't good. Or maybe people don't like sequels. Either way, I'm finished writing this series and I hope that you all enjoyed it. And if you didn't... what are you doing? You spent all this time reading a book you didn't like when you could have read something else? Life is too short to be miserable. So go be happy and do things that make you happy. Unless it's like murder or something that hurts people. Then don't do that. Please.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this past year of me writing this story. Maybe one day I'll write again and it'll be better.

We'll see. Until then, I wish you all the best.

Sincerely Deatheater192

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