Meeting the Grunkle

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Morning came and Kathy was the first to wake up. As a result, it was her responsibility to wake the others when they arrived in Sète. Thankfully Dipper woke up with no problem, but the same could not be said about Gideon and Pacifica. They moaned and groaned about how they didn't want to get up.

"Don't make us." Gideon groaned, rolling to the other side. "It's too early."

"No, it's not." Kathy sighed. "It's 9. We went to bed at 12. Meaning that we have slept over 9 hours."

"We just fell asleep five minutes ago." Pacifica protested. "How can it already be 12?"

Kathy rolled her eyes. "It just feels like it wasn't that long. Now quit your whining and let's go. We have a train to catch."

The two sleepy friends continued to complain but they got up and sluggishly made their way off the boat. Dipper and Kathy practically had to carry them and their luggage to the train station. When they got there they set their friends down with their luggage and went to go buy tickets. However, they did not just leave their half-conscious friends unprotected. They made sure one of them was keeping an eye on their friends while the other bought the tickets.

Kathy was tasked with watching their friends while Dipper paid for the tickets. She gave him regular updates on what was going on with Gideon and Pacifica. Even though nothing interesting or noteworthy was happening.

"Gideon's drooling again." She told them. "Pacifica still looks cute though, she's not snoring or anything."

Just as she said that someone let out the biggest snore in the history of snores. Everyone in the station couldn't help but turn around to see who it was, including Dipper. What they found was the sound came from Pacifica, who still looked cute even though she hadn't had time to fix herself up. Dipper didn't care. Pacifica was one of those people who could make a potato sack look good.

"Ok, you caught me. I lied." Kathy said without turning to look at him. "But you did sleepover at her hotel room. I assume you already knew she snored."

"Yeah, I did," Dipper admitted. "I found it kind of comforting, having someone sleeping next to me. And noise always helps me sleep, so the snoring was nice."

Kathy laughed. "I can't relate. I need to have it to be quiet before I sleep."

"Was Gideon quiet when you slept over at his place?"

Kathy shrugged. "I don't know. I think he was. I couldn't tell you. He fell asleep on the couch and I fell asleep on his bed."

"You fell asleep on separate pieces of furniture?" Dipper asked in surprise. "Why?"

"Because he didn't want me to feel uncomfortable or make me feel pressured to do anything." Kathy reasoned. "Why didn't you sleep in separate beds?" She asked accusingly.

Dipper was surprised by the question and didn't know how to answer it at first. Finally, he said, "I mean, we both passed out and we didn't even have time to talk about things like that."

Kathy nodded. "That's fair." She said, "Just try not to do that again. Respect each other's boundaries and don't make each other uncomfortable."

Dipper nodded. "I'll try."

"That's all I can ask," Kathy said gratefully. "Now let's get going. The train leaves soon. And we are going to have our hands full with those two sleepyheads."

So they went back to their friends with their tickets and began to make their way to the train. Then they boarded the train and found their seats, not needing to help their friends into the seats as much as they did before.

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