Chapter 1

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Spencer's POV

"Spence, I'm gonna kill the bitch" Caroline said as I walk into her room with tears rolling down my face "I'll help" Katherine said from where she was sitting on Caroline's bed. "Yeah, I wish but then we'll have a very dramatic 'oh no poor Elena's dead what do we do now' thing going on and if that happened I'd have to gouge my eyes out with a school cafeteria spork then i'd have to stick ice picks into my ears so I won't be able to hear or see that pity parade that would happen" I said taking a seat next to Katherine.

"Oh Kit Kat, I never got to ask you do you prefer being called Katherine or Katherina?" I asked he with furrowed brows. "It doesn't really matter to me I'll answer to both." She says shrugging her shoulders

"Do you have a date for the ball the Mikaelson's are throwing this evening?" Caroline asked me. "No i'm not allowed to go Elena said she didn't want me there because I was an 'embarrassment to the Gilbert family' which they all made very clear I was not apart of." I told her quietly.

We all look at each other with a devilish smirk that screams rebellious intentions. "Did you get the dress? Katherine asked Caroline who only nods and gets up to head over to her closet. She pulls out a beautiful blood red dress that has red sheer long sleeves and black glitter from the chest to the lower abdomen.

"Oh.My.God it's beautiful" I said getting up to take it from Caroline's grasp. "I brought a pair of heels for you to wear as well" Katherine says while grabbing a pair of heels from next to Caroline's nightstand and handing them to me.

"Thank you, you guys are the best" "We know" Katherine and Caroline reply at the same time. "Now let's get ready we have an hour till we have to be there" Carebear says rushing around to get ready with Kat and I following her lead.

Caroline's Dress

Katherine's Dress

Spencer's heels

Caroline's heels

Katherine's heels

------TIME SKIP------

When we arrived at the ball Katherine, Caroline and I had our arms linked together with me in the middle, Caroline to my right and Katherine to my left. When we entered into the Mikaelson mansion most of the chatter stopped because when Katherine and Caroline opened the doors it made a bang sound. We stood there with smirks on our faces I looked around the crowd and met eyes with Elena, Stefan and Damon who were fuming. I nudge the girls and nod over in their direction. We share a look and our smirks grow as we start walking to then. When we get there Elena looks at me and whisper yells in anger "I thought I told you to stay home you ungrateful brat." Then something in me snapped and I erupted in laughter "And you actually thought I'd listen to you? Wow, you really are an idiot." Katherine and Caroline try to hold their laughs in but fail miserably. "I can't" Caroline says trying to catch her breath "That was priceless" Katherine said wiping a tear from her eye. "Have fun scooby gang see ya later" I say and start to turn away only to turn back around "Oh and uh you should probably tell Daphne and Velma over there not gonna solve the mystery because you guys are dumb I say pointing to Stephen, Dumber I say pointing at Damon then turn to to Elena and just plain out idiotic." I say

When we walk away I make sure to raise my right hand flipping them off behind me without even turning to look at them. I then realize that everyone is staring at us. "Shows over go back to being wanna be Cinderella's or whatever." Me and Kit Kat walk over a waiter and take a champagne off a platter he is holding. I'm about to take a sit when I lock eyes with a devilishly handsome man with brown eyes and hair. "Mate" I whisper. Katherine swings around and Caroline comes running over which isn't that far only like ten steps.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2022 ⏰

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