As Tubbo ripped open the letter and read through it from behind his children, his eyes widened in surprise, then squinted in suspicion, only to then smile in pure joy. Although she was only 7, (Y/n) knew something was up as she glanced back behind her.

She told her dad's she was going to the bathroom in the next second, receiving the response to go. Once she stepped out of the room she immediately heard them talking about the contents of the letter.

"It's an invite from Big Q to a Christmas party." Tubbo starts explaining, happiness in his voice. "He said mostly everyone in the SMP is invited, including our family." He said. (Y/n) didn't understand why he was that happy about the whole ordeal until he said,

"He also added that (Y/n) is invited." (Y/n) could feel her heart drop. She was invited too? How did he even know who she was?

I mean, the only people she really got to talk to was her family and Foolish, the nice man who helped build their house. Sure, he was energetic and tended to work for hours without rest, but he was mostly a chill guy!

(Y/n) had heard rumors of this so-called "Big Q" from her parents. He sounded scary, being the owner of a casino with a huge scar down his face. Her 7 year old brain pictured him as a tall, buff man with a lot of scary knives! He probably had a deep voice that scared anyone that heard it.. No way did she want to go to his party!

She ran to the bathroom, trying not to cry from fear. Surely her parents wouldn't make her go to this guy's Christmas party, right?

Well, that's what she thought at least. But here she was, in a red dress that was too hot for her liking, standing in front of a giant building with letters that she couldn't read. Another issue with her parents being at work most of the time, she didn't know many things about the outside world, or basic education. It was starting to become an issue as she got older.

She nervously held Michael's hand, keeping her eyes on her small, newly shined, black shoes. They made her feel hot as well. Overall her outfit felt stuffy and like she wasn't getting enough air.

"Hello Tubbo Underscore and the rest of the family!" A kind voice yelled, and (Y/n) looked up to see some kind of.. slimy guy. Actually, no, he was a slimy guy. He was green with glasses that were literally inside of his head.

He bounded over from a building with lots of noise coming from it, a strange see through substance oozing in his wake.

(Y/n)'s jaw dropped in shock, and she reached out to poke him when he got close enough. She giggled as a glob of slime was stuck to her finger. Ranboo slapped her hand away harmlessly and silently scolded her for being rude, but the man she poked didn't seem to care.

"Oh! Our special guest! Hello (Y/n) Underscore of Snowchester!" Slime guy said. (Y/n) quickly backed up to hide behind her black-and-white father.

Ranboo put a comforting hand on her shoulder, nodded at slime guy, and led the family into the Casino in the middle of town. The large building was mostly empty, except for a few people. She saw a guy with blonde hair and blue eyes, him seeming to be the most normal one in the group. That was, until he started yelling. (Y/n) quickly moved away from him when he yelled. Her dress fluttered nervously as she tittered off into a different direction. All the shouting made her squirmy.

She then saw a pretty girl with pink hair talking to another pretty girl with white fluffy hair, rainbow highlights, and.. ram horns?! She looked up at her goat-like father, back at the woman, and back at her father. They both had horns! Cool!

"Oh! Hey Big Q!" Her fluffy-haired father called out, and (Y/n) quickly cowered behind her taller dad in fear. She heard footsteps tapping the ground before a pair of expensive-looking shoes appeared in her line of vision. That line being the floor she refused to look up from.

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