"You're like the Energizer bunny."

She sat down next to me, "I'd rather be sleeping."

She looked exhausted. "Is the bed not comfortable?"

"It's wonderful. I'm just weird I guess."

Jessica was right, I might not really know Hailey but something was definitely bothering her. She had been through something and I'm guessing Carlos was the cause of her sleepless night.

"What are you drinking?"

She smiled, "A mimosa. Would you like to try it?"

She slid her drink over to me, "I'm not really into drinks like that."

But I know I'd try anything for her.

I lifted her glass to my lips and took a sip. "Holy shit, that's really good." I smacked my lips together. "Pineapple."

She smiled, shaking her head. "You want one?"

"Yes, thank you."

She got up and walked over to the fridge, pulling out a pitcher. She poured me a glass and topped off hers before putting the pitcher back into the fridge.

When the casserole was done she took it out and dished some up for me and a very little piece for herself.

"Is that seriously all your going to eat?"

"Well I did have a half a pan of cookies before you got up so...yeah." She chuckled.


"Yes, I know I'm a pig but fresh from the oven cookies are so damn good."

I started laughing, "The warmer the better."


After everyone had gotten up and ate, we all decided to go out on the pontoon to go swimming.

I had changed and was getting the boat ready when one by one they started coming out of the cabin.

Drew set down the cooler, "All set?"

"Yep, just waiting on your girl and her cousin to come out."

"Drake, so when are you going fishing with Hailey?" Sara asked.

"I'm thinking tomorrow, why?"

"Just wondering if anyone else is invited or is this a date?" She said smiling.

"I was hoping it could just be her and I... and this isn't a date." I wouldn't hate it if it was but it's not very romantic and I probably would have chosen something different if it was. I just wanted some alone time with her.

"Well if it's not a date, can I come? I've been wanting to catch some walleye." Shane asked, looking pretty smug with himself.

"No, no one else is invited." I snapped, making everyone laugh.


The door to the cabin opened and Hailey walked out. "Oh my God, Jess. You look fine." She groaned as she pulled Jess out the door. "If you're any slower, they're going to leave without us and I for one love the water, so move it or I'm leaving you."

They started walking down together but I couldn't take my eyes off of Hailey and the little bikini she was wearing.

Greg and Shane both groaned beside me as they whispered simultaneously. "Damn." Under their breath as they checked her out from head to toe.

I let out a breath as I turned back towards her, "Yeah." She was truly stunning.

I extended my hand to Hailey, helping her onto the boat and then helped Jess on. I don't know why I was so annoyed with Shane and Greg, I didn't have a claim on Hailey but it still pissed the hell out of me that they wouldn't stop staring at her.

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