New house, New life

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'We're almost there Monica, stop being so difficult'! My dad basically screamed at me. I don't know why he expected me to be okay, nothing in my life is okay  and it's all because of him. I still can't believe that he left mom and made me leave my life at the farm to be with her enemy and now I have to move with him and his mistress. Why does the universe hate me!

His mistress has three kids close to my age. Alex who was the oldest brother was a year older than me, I met him at dad's wedding and he just scowlded at me, as if I wanted to be part of his family and Jessica and Tracy were 1 year apart. I haven't met them but I know that they are blonde.

I was perfectly happy having my pet tiger Harlow and the animals on the farm as my friends. I miss Peggy the pig and our pie eating contests although she always won. Maybe I shoukd have snuck her with me. But then- 'MONICA I'M TALKING TO YOU!!'. I flinched at his harsh tone 'sorry dad I was thinking about pigs'. Now I'm just a farm girl moving to the city, I wonder what I'm going to go through during this journey.

He just looked at me like I was an alien species. I guess he's always regretted having me with mom, but I still care about him. He's my father after all.

'Monica I want you to be nice to Tracy and Jessica a-' 'Don't you mean the evil duo', I interrupted with a creepy grin. ' Monica I'm warning you be nice to your sisters and brother or else you'll regret it.' I just muttered an okay. I hope I have a good relationship with them. I really wanna try making friends.

Minutes felt like hours but we eventually arrived at our new home. It was a very beautiful house, and definitely bigger than my house. The lawn is bigger than my entire house back at the farm. The fence was a beautiful shade of white. I did not even know white had a shade. Daf drove up towards the gate and it opened on its own which freaked me out, I squeaked and spilled the milk I was drinking on dad.

He just glared at me and muttered, 'this is why I left your mom, you both live in the olden days and don't understand technology.' I always heard dad complain about how back at the farm the only source of technology that we had was a landlines and a television which was outdated.

Dad parked in the garage and a maid came to take our bags, just as she was about to take my bag dad stopped her and said, 'don't bother yourself with her bags, she can manage'. I just looked at dad in disbelief. He knew how much I worked before we got here, I was exhausted but he still couldn't care less. I gave the maid a weak smile and said 'it's okay, I used to do weight lifting back home'.That was a lie, the only weight lifting I did was carry gallons of milk after milking the cows.

I could feel tears sting my eyes as dad walked into the house without sparing me a glance. I struggled with the bags for what felt like hours and I finally made it i through the front door.
As I took a step I slipped on the slippery floor and knocked down a vase, shattering it into pieces. Why do I have to be so clumsy, I wonder how l'll fit into my new school with my clumsiness.

Just then I heard two shrill screams and the click of heels on the marble floor. 'WHAT DID YOU DO YOU!!',two girls yelled at me in sync. They were both blonde with blue eyes. They were honestly gorgeous, so they must be Tracy and Jessica. They both looked at me like I was somethibg stuck on their shoe. Just then I heard more clicks of heels on marble floor and a beautiful blonde lady came in, this must be Victoria my mom's nemesis. I admit she's gorgeous and so are her daughters, I just hope they are beautiful on the inside too.

She raised a hand about to slap me but then a hand caught it, it was Alex. HUH why was he saving my pimple free face, I glared at Alex, I've never been slapped before and he just ruined the entire experience. "Mom relax it's just Monica, your husbands clumsy daughter".

She looked me up and down. From my unruly curly hair, to my brown eyes, to my neck where I wore the necklace my mom gave me. She stopped at my neck for a while and then proceeded down to my awkward looking legs.

She pointed her nose to the air like a Karen. I gave her a subtle smile. She raised an eyebrow and put her hands on her hips. The silence was so deafening, why do i make everything awkward. I really miss Harlow.

I took out my hand to shake hers but she didn't move an inch. She just kept judging me with her eyes. "Show this girl to her room, would you",Victoria snarled out. "This way mam", a kind looking maid guided me to my room.

Well I can't say much about my room, it was surely an upgrade from my old room back at the farm. It was full of pink. Urgh I hate pink, why couldn't it be blue. The maid shut the door behind me. Well now I'm alone in my room with my thoughts.
I start school tomorrow so I guess I'll be trying to make human friends.

I took out my novel 'The Magic Fareaway Tree', it was a really funny book I loved the adventures and Moonface was one of my favorite characters, I spent hours reading it until I felt the urge to find the bathroom and vent to a mirror since Harlow wasn't here for me to talk to. I got up to look for the bathroom but just as I was about to open my door I heard laughing downstairs. I looked at my watch and scoffed, were they having dinner without me? Way to make me feel welcome.

I pressed my back against the door and sighed, of course they forgot me, I'm not even part of the family. As I was getting up I heard loud screams coming from downstairs and glasses breaking. I grabbed the frying pan I brought as a souvenire from the farm and dashed downstairs.

When I reached the dining room I jumped on the table and started speaking in Spanish, "Donde esta, donde esta el peligro,quien quiere ser un panqueque hoy? After I saw the cause of the commotion I couldn't help but break out into a smile, standing in the middle of the chaos was my tiger Harlow.

And that is the end of my first chapter. This story has been in my head for 5 years now😂. I will try my best to update frequently and I hope that we all have a great friendship with this book. You guys will hate me from time to time but ehh that just gives me a thrill😁

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2022 ⏰

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