You waste no time boarding a small plane to D.C. that Rhodey had set up for you. You wanted desperately to see Bucky and work things out with him but you had decided to face Sam first. You couldn't believe that he had given up the shield that Steve had passed on to him. You were even angrier that the government was trying to pass off some second rate soldier as a new Captain America. Sam had accused you of moving on a disregarding Steve when he had done the same damn thing and your anger was your main motivating factor as you landed at the Air Force base Rhodey had told you he would be at. You scanned the personnel, looking for Sam when you spotted another familiar face. "Torres," you shout cheerfully as he spots you and runs up to embrace you, twirling you around before setting you back on your feet. "(Y/N), what are you doing here?" he greets you with a bright smile. You had known the man for years and had always gotten along well with him. "I'm here for Wilson." His smile takes on a mischievous edge that thrills you as he leans forward in a conspiratorial manner, lowering his voice, "I probably shouldn't tell you this, but we're about to take off on a wanna tag along for the ride?"

You are sitting aboard the cargo plane, planning out every spiteful thing that you want to say to him when Sam walks in but your anger falters and your mind goes completely blank when you realize that he isn't alone. Sam has an irritated expression on his face as a haughty Bucky marches in close on his heels, his expression growing more frustrated when he sees you. "Seriously? What the hell are you doing here (Y/N)?" he huffs and for just a brief moment, Bucky's eyes flick to you and widen in surprise before they take on an icy expression, his face closing off as he looks away. "Why the hell did you give up Steve's shield?" you throw back at him, although the indignant anger you felt before seems hollow now as your eyes stay glued to Bucky. He looks...good. His hair is shorter now, reminding you of older pictures that you had seen of him. His blue eyes, hard with anger, are looking at anything but you as his chiseled jaw clenches and unclenches, from nervousness or anger you can't quite tell. You knew that you had missed him during your time apart but you didn't realize just how much until you suddenly found yourself fighting down the urge to run to him, to throw your arms around him, to beg for his forgiveness and confess every single thought that has run through your mind for the past two months, to kiss him and - "Did the two of you plan this shit?" Sam's response breaks through your longing thoughts and Bucky barks a humorless laugh that drains any hopeful feelings from you. Bucky shakes his head but continues to avoid your gaze, "I haven't talked to her in months. This is just your bad decision catching up with you," he says with a hard edge in his voice that makes your heart falter. "I don't have time for this right now," Sam sighs heavily as he rubs at his temples in frustration. "I've got a mission so you two need to go." At this, you straighten yourself slightly, "actually, I'm coming along too," you announce as Torres barks a laugh from his seat that makes Sam glare. "Like hell you are, just because Torres let you on this aircraft, something he shouldn't have done by the way," he raises his voice pointedly, "doesn't mean you have the clearance to go on this mission." You shoot him a wicked smile that only makes him scowl harder, "no," you concede, "but calling in a favor from James Rhodes and having myself specifically signed on as a consultant for this mission does." If looks could kill, you would be doubly dead from the withering glares that both Sam and Bucky give you. "I don't have time for this shit," Sam whines again and then pouts when it becomes evident that he will not be able to shake you or Bucky anytime soon. 

The flight is almost painfully quiet with you can Torres occasionally trading comments. The tension so thick between you, Bucky and Sam that you could cut through it with one of your knives. "One minute til drop off," Torres calls out in a tone that is far too cheerful for the situation at hand. "So what's our plan?" Bucky finally asks and grumbles when no plan is presented. "Enjoy your ride Buck," Sam sneers as he prepares to jump. "No, you don't get to call me that," Bucky snaps. "And why not?" That's what Steve used to call you," Sam responds, looking at you as if to drive the point home. "Steve knew me longer and Steve had a plan," is all Bucky says back, pointedly ignoring you. Sam rolls his eyes before pulling his goggles down, "I have a plan," he calls out before jumping out of the plane. Bucky grumbles and quickly stands, tearing the sleeve off of his jacket to free up his metal arm before following Sam without so much as looking at you. You let out a heavy sigh before moving to press a quick, friendly kiss to Torres' cheek. "Thanks for the ride," you call out before pressing an invisible emblem on your suit that releases excess material, that allows you to glide on wind currents and jumping out of the plane and gently drifting to the ground next to where Bucky is laying flat on his back taking a vicious swing at Redwing.

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