Chapter Two: Origin of a Villain.

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"Watch it, Alexa!" An older woman yelled, jumping out of the way as she raced toward the Citadel. Her stallions hooves hammered down hard on the cobblestone path through the city.

"Sorry, Mrs. Baudelaire!" Alexa called back over her shoulder. Not far into the distance was the Citadel, the capital of the Fire Kingdom. It was ridiculously massive, glistening in the late afternoon sun like clear, polished glass. She skidded to a halt in front of the huge double steel doors, swiftly jumping from the white horse. She faced the doors and paused, trying to calm her nerves. Yes, she was painfully aware that she pushed the council too far this time. Ruan was right, they had been lenient with her because of the death of her parents - and the council was to blame. Nobody talked about it, but everyone knew the truth. But nobody dared say anything, in fear of retribution from the council. They were responsible, yet they weren't held accountable. Alexa hated them, but they were more powerful than she was, and they know it.

She stared at the ornate double doors, having an internal discussion with herself like she so often does. When Alexa is scared, nervous or angry, she would giggled. Often too loud. Sighing deeply, she cracked her knuckles and slowly pushed the doors open. A wave of hot air washed over her as she walked in, seeing a blue fire burn behind the table of the council members.

"Oh, my fucking god. These idiots and their dramatic fires." She muttered under her breath. Seated at the expensive-looking dark mahogany table were the five council members. In the middle, poised and regal, was Madame Dubois. The only way one could see they were older than the rest, was the white and silver strands of their hair. Otherwise they didn't look a day over 40.

"Tu es en retard, as usual miss Lenoir." Madame Dubois' raspy voice echoed through the larger than necessary hall. Alexa bit the inside of her cheek, keeping her from snapping back at them or pulling a childish face.

"My apologies, your excellency." She bowed slightly as per their custom, clasping her hands behind her back. Four of the five council members had unimpressed, disappointed expressions. The fifth, a woman known only as Angelique, had the same expression, but with a hint of pity. Madame Dubois folded her hands in her lap and pursed her lips.

"Care to explain why the French authorities reported... what was it again?" A council member flipped through a few sheets of parchment papers in front of him, picking out the desired page and read it out loud, "a tall woman that burst into flames when she jumped from the roof of a building."

"Members of the council, I..." She fell silent, partly because she's tired of explaining her intentions over and over again. This is not her first hearing. But mostly, something Alexa hoped wouldn't happen, was the look Madame Dubois gave her. A look of pure disgust, or more appropriately, a look of pure hatred.

"You know the laws of the kingdom, Alexa Lenoir! Yet, it seems like you take every possible opportunity to break these laws. We have been far too lenient, after the death of your parents, but I'm afraid we can no longer tolerate your blatant disregard of our laws and the safety of your people."

"With all due respect-" She was immediately silenced by Madame Dubois raising a bony hand. Alexa had to breathe deeply to calm herself. She had a terrible temper and at this moment, she was losing control. One thing she hated was being interrupted.

"The council has discussed your punishment," Madame Dubois smirked at Alexa, clearly enjoying herself, "In three days time, on your 45th birthday, you will be banished from the Kingdom."

"No, please, reconsider! I'm merely trying to help the humans? I don't see-" her blood ran ice cold as she felt the rage build up inside of her.

"Silence! The decision is final. You risk everything by interfering with these humans! Have you even thought of the consequences of your actions, Alexa?!" Madame Dubois watched Alexa carefully with narrowed eyes, all too familiar with her explosive temper. Alexa's amber eyes drifted to the other council members, hoping to see some sympathy. But their eyes were filled with nothing but disappointment and anger. Even Angelique turned her gaze away from Alexa.

Alexa's brows drew together as she suddenly realized something. Her attention to the council was lost as she thought about what was happening. Everything seems to make sense suddenly - with a shocking realization, Alexa finally understood. There was no such thing as a dark witch or a light witch. There never was. Only those who don't fit in with the norms of the council and those who were loyal to the council. Alexa didn't fit in with the rest of the Fire Kingdom's people and she refused to be like everyone else. Her grandmother felt the same. Alexa took a deep breath and closed her eyes. After a few minutes of uncomfortable silence, her eyes shot open and she refocused on the council once again.

"It saddens me, that we are beings of extraordinary power, capable of helping those who need us most. We have the power to help the humans, yet you are too fucking selfish," her tone of voice changed quickly, from soft and controlled to loud and aggressive, "and you are no better than those filthy rats calling themselves human while committing atrocious things against their own kind." She lets out a guttural laugh, seeing the council members tense up.

"Huh? You see? Do you fucking see?! You are the same! Lying to your own people. Either killing or banishing those who speak up against you." Smoke slowly starts flowing from her hands and her amber eyes seemed to be glowing like fire.

"Miss Lenoir, I suggest y-you calm-" a council member tried to warn her but was quickly silenced by an animalistic growl coming from Alexa.


"Alexa! Enough!" Madame Dubois failed at sounding authoritative, quickly jumping to her feet. The other council members soon followed, the five of them quickly preparing to fight the angry witch.

"Guards!" Angelique called, but nobody comes.

"They can't come in, I melted the doors together." Alexa paused, smirking as she watched the five of them glance to the doors. They knew that Alexa was much stronger than they were, but this was something Alexa was unaware of. And the council was not about to tell her either.

"I am not afraid of you. Neither was my grandmother. That's why you banished her, is it not?" She folded her hands in front of her. She felt different, more regal and strong. She gained confidence, smiling at how small and pathetic the council looked right now.

"Alexa, you misunderstand-"

"Shut up, François! Do not speak with her!" Madame Dubois glared at Alexa, with never before seen fury.

"Alexa, leave the Kingdom immediately! Your insolence-" She couldn't finish, gasping when Alexa let the flames erupt from her hands. The purple tinted fire shot forward as Alexa attempted to attack the council members. Madame Dubois quickly made Alexa's fire dissipate, glaring daggers at her.

"How dare you?!"

"You turned out just like your mother and father! You are unable to reform to our way of life!" Madame Dubois screeched, stepping towards Alexa. Angelique tried to grab Madame Dubois' arm, but missed. Her fury clouded her judgement.

"We should have killed them sooner!" As soon as the poisonous words left Madame Dubois' mouth, she realized her mistake.

Something snapped inside Alexa, hearing those words, something that would change her entire being. Everything that was Alexa changed. Her Tournante arrived early, making the witch pause, allowing the change to happen. She welcomed it. The council members could only watch as she changed not only mentally, but physically as well. The council members realized what Dubois just did. She pushed Alexa over the delicate edge of her sanity.

"Dubois! Qu'avez-vous fait?!" Angelique yelled.

"Hmm. You should have killed me too, then," Alexa hissed. A terrifying smile spread across her lips as she brought her hand up to her mouth, "your mistake." She cooed.

As if blowing dust from the palm of her hand, Alexa breathed fire, creating a giant raven of fire, it's body burning like a raging wildfire. The council members jumped out of the way of the raven, shocked since a witch Alexa's age should not be able to conjure this type of fire magic. Even Dubois struggled accomplishing this. The fire raven screeched and waited for Alexa's next command. The young red-haired witch smiled a smile some might mistake for a kind one, but Madame Dubois knew better. After all, she's seen that smile before.

"Run, Dubois."

Tu es en retard - you are late.
Qu'avez-vous fait?! - What have you done?!

Enjoy everyone! 🧡❤💜💙💚💛

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