Chapter One

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Chapter One

New York City

As the ship docked in the New York harbor, Charlotte didn't think she would ever forget the sights and sounds in front of her as she stood at the railing of the ship watching the activity going on below her on the pier. With her stomach full of butterflies she wondered what lie ahead for her here in America. She had no friends here. She would be relying on complete strangers to see her through this tumultuous time in her life.

When she departed England, with the help of many wonderful people, she knew there would never be any turning back. Knew she would embrace whatever this new life had to offer her with her head held high and a smile on her face. Never showing how uncertain and scared she was on the inside.

Part of Regina's plan had been changed at the last minute because the Duchess had been hurt by the same captain that she was supposed to sail with. Regina killed the captain when he tried to murder her she'd been informed. The Duke's sister and grandmother along with the Earl of Ravensly, saw her to the ship with a Captain Stedman, now the captain of the late Captain Collin's ship. He was to look after her on the voyage to America.

They all assured her that the Duchess would soon be fine and convinced her to follow the plans that had already been made. She prayed they hadn't told her that just to get her onboard the ship. She hoped once they docked there would be some word about the Duchess's condition.

The trip between England and America was uneventful thank heaven.

Throughout most of the voyage she stayed in her stateroom, afraid someone would recognize her and later comment to her father about seeing her. She left a letter with Victoria to be sent to her father long after she'd departed England. In it she informed him of her reasons for leaving and stating she would never return to England again and had no wish to ever see him again either.

She did venture out in the evenings after dark to look at the moon on the water and the stars in the night sky. Staying in her stateroom also gave her time to think about her future and to draw.

Charlotte surveyed the pier area and found Phillips, the Duchess's butler waiting to meet her once the gangplank was in place for them to go ashore. The man looked just as described to her. She took a deep breath and returned to her stateroom to be sure everything was packed and ready for her departure. Captain Stedman sent one of the maids to help assist with her packing early this morning. One last look through the stateroom showed her nothing had gone unnoticed.

She found her reticule and made sure her hat was still in place as she looked into the mirror. "Well Charlotte," she said told herself as she looked at her refection. "You're new life is about to begin. You will no longer be Lady Charlotte Hastings but plain Miss Hastings from this moment on. I am ready if only the butterflies in my stomach would go away." She put a bright smile on her face before turning away from the mirror.

How could someone be filled with this much trepidation and exhilaration at the same time, she wondered.

She swept out the stateroom door and down the passageway that led onto the deck. The captain was waiting at the gangplank to tell her goodbye and he was standing next to Phillips. "Lady Charlotte," Captain Stedman said. "It has been a pleasure to see you to America for Mrs. Trent." Charlotte smiled at how the Duchess had her employees refer to her Mrs. Trent instead of Duchess or Her Grace. "This is Phillips and I am turning you over into his capable hands for the next part of your journey. I hope you will enjoy your new life here in America."

"Thank you again, Captain Stedman, for everything you've done for me while I was aboard your ship," Charlotte told him. "I will be sure to let Mrs. Trent know how well you looked after me." She turned to Phillips. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Phillips. Mrs. Trent has told me how well you look after things for her here in New York."

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