Jake mirrored her actions before leading them away from the car, approaching the crowded school entrance.

As they walked, they couldn't help but hear the small whispers and the stares they received by just walking, Ruby rolled her eyes at the curious teenagers surrounding them.

They weren't surprised about everyone's confused reactions.

"Hey, Jake. How are you doing?" Oliver walked beside the two, "Hi, Ruby.

"Hi, Oliver." She gritted through he teeth, her clear hatred for the boy showing as she couldn't stand to be close to him.

Jake on the other hand, greeted him more kindly, "Hey, Oliver. I'm okay.

"Look, Jake, I just wanted to express my condolences. And I wanted to apologize for every time I ever gave you shit. That was not cool. I'm
really sorry." Oliver heavily apologized, fiddling with his black strap hung over his shoulder.

Ruby scoffed under her breathe at the boys words, "yeah."

Jake nudged her with his elbow, signaling for her to shut up, he shrugged as he looked back at the tall boy, "Okay."

"I'm having a party tonight, and I think it'll be really good for you if you came. Ruby's invited as well." Oliver flicked his eyes to her, the corners of his mouth lifting into a smirk.

"A halloween party?" Jake smiled largely.

Oliver nodded, "yep. Costumes, Coronas, and candy, and we're not talking M&Ms. My parents are in London for the weekend so it's gonna be sick."

Jake formed his lips into a flat line, "I don't have a costume."

"It's alright. Just bring Chucky." Oliver shrugged simply, "i'll see you guys there."

Ruby furrowed her brows as the boy stepped around them, turning her head over to her best friend, "what the fuck was that about?"

"I'm not sure." Jake chuckled, "do you wanna go? It sounds like fun."

"It's halloween night, Jake. Is going to a party with a bunch of overly drunk teenagers a good idea? You do remember what town we live in, right?" Ruby tilted her head to the side, shaking her head slightly.

Jake chewed on his bottom lip, "I know. Listen, when do we ever get invited to parties? Actually, when do I ever get invited? This could be fun."

"Then sure, Jake. But if a serial killer comes, I'm blaming my death on you." She giggled, shoving him playfully as they entered the school building.

Ruby leaned against Jake's locker as he locked it, her eyes drifting to the boy approaching the two, Devon.


Jake was caught off guard as he spun around, him stopping in his tracks, "hi."

"Jake." Devon stopped him from walking away, an unreadable expression on his face, "I'm sorry."

"Thanks. I really appreciate it." Jake nodded, his mouth curving up into a small smile.

Devon swallowed, "I've been thinking about you."

Those words had Jake's stomach full of butterflies, he couldn't help but keep a smile plastered on his face, "you have?"

"About what you've been going through. You know, my dad died when I was nine." Devon sighed.

"Yeah, I remember."

"I think the worst part is what it did to me and my mom. When I was little, we were super close, but now we barely even talk. I think I remind her of him. You know?" Devon confessed, rambling on as he attempted to sympathize Jake, "look, the point is, I would have never gone through it without my friends. Look, we don't know each other very well."

Jake interrupted him as the three walked down the filled halls, "we don't know each other at all."

Devon laughed lightly, "um, you coming to Oliver's party tonight."

"I think we are, yeah." Jake gestured to the girl beside him who was completely zoned out.

Ruby hummed as she took out one of her earbuds, the two boys laughing at her as she stuck up her middle finger, placing the bud back into her ear.

"Awesome. Bringing Chucky?"

Jake shrugged, "I don't know."

"Why not? You two really killed the other night." Devon smile slowly disappeared as Jake death stared him, "At...at the talent show. So where is he anyway?"


jake and devon own my heart.

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