"I will never hate you, baby. It's ok. I'll take good care of you. You're safe." He whispered soothingly and i could feel him kissing my temple as he sat down with me on his lap.

My eyes couldn't focus on anything anymore.

"It's ok love. Everything is ok. Let go. I'll be right here to catch you." He added when i kept fighting it.

With that, i gave in.

I fell headfirst deep into that haze and i felt all the stress, worries, and everything melt away almost instantly.

My body relaxed completely in his arms as i curled in on myself comfortablly.

"Good boy. You did great." He praised me and pecked my forehead.

Warmth and happiness brewed in my chest hearing his words.

Daddy don't hate little Thar...

I don't know where the nicknames came from but they felt so right.

Type's pov:

I sighed softly as i looked at him curled up comfortably in my embrace.

He had his thumb in his moouth which he was sucking on lightly.

I've had an inkling about this for a while now.

But i could never be too sure.

But earlier when he replied in such a childlike tone and a high pitched voice while rubbing his eyes with his balled up fist, i knew for sure.

He was trying so hard not to slip even though he obviously needed it so much.

Is this why he was in the bathroom for so long? Trying to not slip?

I pursed my lips at the thought.

It's a good thing i decided to come home early today from work.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when he nuzzled against me.

I could tell he was half asleep at this point.

I got up fron the edge of the bed and went around laying him down on the center.

But he wouldn't let go of my shirt.

"Daddy don't weave... Pwease..." He cried.

I was taken aback by the nickname since he never called me that before.

But he's never slipped before either so there's that...

I laid down beside him and pulled him close.

"I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere." I patted his head gently as he snuggled close to my chest.

He was still sucking lightly on his thumb.

I need to buy a pacifier.

Along with the other things he'll need while in little space.

I took my phone from my pocket and texted No.

Me: Ai'No i need you to buy some things for me. Don't ask why. I'll repay you the money when you get here.

Ai'No: Owh? That's new. What do you want me to buy?

I thought for a few seconds and mad a mental list of things we need for now.

I don't know how small he's right now and how small he can regress.

For now let's get the basics. I'll ask him and buy other things later.

Me: Two adult pacifiers (blue)
2 blue teddy bears (a big one and a small one) and a few other soft plush toys.
5 Cozy big hoodies and sweatshirts (shades of blue and other light colours)

My Little BabyМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя