02 - ace

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YOU WATCHED AS HE TOOK OFF HIS BLAZER and rolled up the sleeves of his white button-up shirt, revealing his veiny arms. He dribbled slowly and tauntingly with the ball in his hand to get his way. It was a success, and you were huffing in no time. "I'll give you the ball," Aomine teased with a fake smile as if he were doing you a huge favor.

And honestly, he was. But you had to put up a front because for fuck's sake, you were y/n l/n! Lying about your feelings is in your blood! "Whatever you say goes, ace." You were able to fake a smile that even made Aomine's fade.

He recovered from his slouching position and straightened his back. "I'm going to make your life hell." He assured you and almost ruined your ego.

"Try," you said, immediately regretting it a second later, but you maintained your cool. Wakamatsu better be thanking me on his knees right now.

Aomine's eyes darkened, and his jaw clenched in rage. He didn't have time for it, but he stayed anyway. His expression practically screamed that he was about to plummet that built-up confidence of yours into nothing but the ashes of your own dignity. But who can blame him? He was annoyed by whatever plan you were making up. "Oh yeah?" Aomine smirked, "Someone got a little too much praise from Daddy, huh?"

Your eye twitched in anger as you retorted with, "And someone didn't get praised enough." You said it with your teeth clenched, and you couldn't figure out why you were still holding the ball as it stopped dribbling.

Aomine exhaled a witty sigh, which was followed by a mischievous grin laced with pure hatred. He threw the ball out of your hands and stepped forward intimidatingly. "I don't care about this. I don't care about you. In fact, I doubt anyone does." He stated this very bluntly while placing his hands in his pockets. His eyes bore into yours as he towered over you with such ease.

"As far as I know, you've been running around all day, cleaning up after people who don't give a shit about you." He added emphasis over the shit, "And when they asked you to come after me, you jumped at the opportunity. I mean, there's nothing better to do in your pathetic little life. right, cinderella?"

Your eyes brimmed with anger; you searched his for one speck of mercy just to convince yourself he might not be such an asshole. but you sadly failed. "I only "jumped at the opportunity" because I'm getting tired of people thinking that you even have a sliver of potential!" You nudged him backward so he wouldn't be as close to you. "The only people running around are the entire club, and the only person they clean up after is you!"

Aomine widened his eyes, and his eyebrows followed in surprise too. You let out a small breath and tried to cool yourself after the sudden fit. "You think I don't have potential?" He said it with humor in his tone; he treated it as if you were telling a joke earlier.

Was he just that infuriating, or were you just exaggerating? He hasn't been himself since his loss to seirin. But really, you had no idea how he was like before. You just knew that he never went to practice even when he first joined touou. "I think you did."

And then there was silence, but not just any kind, not the comfortable one where you enjoy someone's presence nor was it an uncomfortable kind where you wanted this to end. No, it was more like you guys fed off each other's hatred. It was amusing how the mere presence of the other could have you two thinking of very dark thoughts. Primarily murder.

But the one to end that deafening silence was Aomine, as he grabbed his jacket and walked away from you. Great. I had him right there at the palm of my hand, but— "Tell those jackasses who don't have anything better to do, I'll be seeing them tomorrow," he said, and then out the door he went.

You sighed. Not only did you fail to convince him to come to practice, but you also earned your seniors a beating.

You simply did not get it. He despised basketball and everything that came with it. and he hated the club he was in even more; he barely even came to the practice matches. So why hasn't he quit yet?


"The coach says one more lap!" You shouted to the team, which they groaned at. But there stood a certain blonde who had already finished all eight laps around the court. You tried to ignore his prying eyes and that grin of his, but he began sliding down next to you "nonchalantly."

You narrowed your eyes and watched him. "So?" Wakamatsu responded, expecting a positive response from you.

You tilted your head at the lack of context. "So..." you nodded your head slowly hoping he'd get to the point, but let's be honest, that will never happen. "What?" you asked about his brief question.

His eyebrows furrowed to your response. "Aomine. What happened with Aomine?" Oh no. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is where you almost cried right then and there. Because the outcome of yesterday is likely to end up with threats to that idiot's seniors, and not empty ones. You didn't know how to break it to the center. He was dead scared of Aomine and what his anger was capable of.

So you pursed your lips in an attempt to elongate your response. But you sighed, "You're probably going to get beaten up." The high road was really annoying. Will not recommend.

Wakamatsu's optimistic expression faded quickly as he heard those words. "Awh man!" he rubbed his forehead. "not again!"

You frowned at his reaction. God, why couldn't I have been more effective? You said with a click of your tongue, "I'm sorry. I really tried my best, but no one can get into that numbskull's head. He's far too stubborn."

Wakamatsu waved his hand in front of his face to decline your apology. "Nah, it's alright. To be honest, I didn't have that much hope it would succeed" He sent you a teethy smile to reassure you there was nothing to worry about. "I mean, I pressured you into it anyway, so it's my fault. I'm sorry you had to deal with him."

That literally broke your heart into many, many pieces. Did he really care about that lamppost? probably not, but he really wanted something to get through to him somehow. even if it would have to be the manager of a basketball team called Touou who's wearing a head scarf.

Maybe she did.

Actually, you did.

That's why he was standing near the club's entrance, and you noticed him almost instantly, groaning and rolling your eyes when you did. "Wakamatsu, gear up." You patted his shoulder.

Wakamatsu chuckled and turned his gaze to the source of your annoyance. His chuckle then turned into a horrified shriek. "Oh my god," he said, almost in a whisper. Wakamatsu looked at you with wide eyes as Aomine approached you two. "y/n, please, for the love of God, save me; I don't want to die."

You grimaced at the sudden change of attitude. Just a second earlier, he was calm and collected, but now he was screaming hellfire. "Alright, calm down." You faced the gigantic blueberry and shielded Wakamatsu behind you. "If you hurt him, I'm going to beat you to a pulp."

He squinted his eyes and rolled them. "Cinderella, you really have a flair for the dramatic." aomine mocked you and tilted his head toward the guy who was definitely taller than you but was still trying to hide behind you as if you were a tree. "Hey, wannabe Justin Bieber. I need to talk to you. alone."

Wakamatsu shook his head, "no, not without any witnesses around."

You sighed at his response. You really didn't get his personality. "Look, whatever you can say to him, you can say to me." You told the guy who has serious attitude issues. Like calm down, man.

He looked at you for a short second, his anger building up just from your stare. "Fine." Aomine turned to the agitated blonde. "I'll try to come to practices. 3 a week at best."

"Wait, really?" your face contorted in surprise, but the person who caused that just stared at the both of you blankly. That slightly agape look on your lips shifted into a grin. "Do my ears deceive me? Or did I really have an effect on the aomine daiki?" you crossed your arms.

"Yeah, dream on, Cinderella." And then he walked away, leaving a frozen wakamatsu and an egotistical you. "By the way, if you tell Satsuki about this, I'll skin you alive." Wow, he just had to leave you with one harsh threat.

With a smile on your lips and a spring in your step, you turned around. Wakamatsu finally granted his wish. Speaking of the devil, he looked at you with wide eyes and a jaw opened so widely you could fit a squirrel in there.

"I love you."


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