Rhyme-a-saurus, Gift Ideas and Branch's Plan

Start bij het begin

"Right [ sounding upset ] well then travel by land and sail the mighty seas. You need to consult with the great Windbreeze" Rhyme-a-saurus said.

"Windbreeze? Okay, well how do I find her?" Tiny diamond asked.

"Uh she's right there" Rhyme-a-saurus said and points behind Tiny causing him to turn around.

Behind him was a old female troll that was standing in front of her geode house.

Behind him was a old female troll that was standing in front of her geode house

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"Hello~" she says.

Back at Pop village

All the trolls from the different tribes are getting wrapping paper, scissors, tape and gifts and everything they needed for what they need for the holiday gift swap. Riff was having a hard time trying to pick a perfect sweater and then Ruby came up and says "Definitely go with that one" and points at the right sweater and ran off to go help the other trolls.

"Oh yeah [ tosses the other sweater to the side ] duh you're a lifesaver Ruby" Riff says and puts the sweater in the box and puts the top on it.

Trollex was having a hard time trying to put a huge comb in a box and says "It won't fit" and Poppy jumps out from the box thanks and then pushes it to side and make it longer.

Poppy smiles walks off and Trollex puts the comb in and says "It's a holiday miracle" and without anyone looking he then pulls out a present from his back and looks at it.

Poppy smiles walks off and Trollex puts the comb in and says "It's a holiday miracle" and without anyone looking he then pulls out a present from his back and looks at it

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It was a lime green wrapping paper with Christmas trees on it also tied with a red ribbon and he reads the name tag and it says Ruby on it.

What Ruby didn't know was that Trollex got her name and he didn't know that she got his name as well. Trollex sighs while looking at the present and softly smiles and says "I hope Ruby will like my gift I got her".

Poppy and Ruby came out from the bushes while Poppy jumped onto a wrapped wagon a rock troll kid was pulling with Cloud guy sitting on it and Ruby was walking beside them and both girls were holding a plate of drinks.

"Peppermintroll Cicchino" Poppy asked while handing the two drinks to the Rock troll kid and Cloud guy.

"Ha. You just read my mind" Cloud guy said while Poppy and Ruby ran off leaving Cloud guy and the Rock troll kid to enjoy their drinks.

Trolls: Holiday in Harmony with the girlsWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu