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Once Lexa got back from Australia the whole ride Clarke talked about how excited she was that Lexa was finally back and how much she missed her, while Lexa talked about everything she did and how much she missed Clarke. And once they got home, Clarke made Lexa stand outside her bedroom and wouldn't say why.

"Clarke, I'm tired and want to take a nap, I'm about to go back to my room."
"Close your eyes...Are they closed?"
"Okay," Clarke said slowly opening the door, "open your eyes."

"W- what happened to your room?" Lexa asked when she saw everything was rearranged in Clarke's room. There were fewer posters, pictures, and drawings on the walls, the bed was in a different area, and the desk was gone which left an empty corner.

"So, I thought maybe you'd want to move in with me."
"I'm so confused, I already live with you."
"Umm, no like this would be our room, not just mine. I moved things around so you'd have space. You can put your pictures and stuff on the walls and you can put your drums there next to my guitar," Clarke said pointing to the corner of the room.

"Why? I mean my room is literally six feet away."
"Well, even though it's only really been a month because of the trip and then your trip to Australia, I've seen that you still feel kind of awkward, like umm you don't feel at home. So this could be our room, you know maybe if we were together you'd feel more comfortable I guess, but I mean I get it, it was stupid. I'll ask Lincoln and Raven to help me put everything back tomorrow."

"No don't do that, I'd love to move in with you," Lexa said as she gave Clarke a kiss.
"Wait really?"
"Good because I also made Octavia help me clear out some space in my closet and dressers."
"Clarke you didn't need to do that."

"I know but like I said I wanted it to feel like your room too, and it wouldn't feel like that if every time you need to get something you had to go across the hall."
"I love you," Lexa said pulling her in for another kiss.

They shared a slow kiss as Clarke's hands went to Lexa's back holding her closer while one of Lexa's hands went to Clarke's cheek and the other went to Clarke's back. As they kissed Clarke's hands went down Lexa's legs picking her up and Lexa immediately wrapped her legs around the blonde's waist.

Clarke walked them to the bed, putting her down gently, and straddled her lap, slowly rocking back and forth. She pulled away from the kiss to take her shirt off, smirking as she saw Lexa's face become red.

"C- Can you do that thing, you know, that thing you did on facetime?" Lexa asked as her hands when to the breasts she missed so much.
"Do you want me to do it or do you wanna do it?"
"Umm, both?"
"How?" Clarke asked confused.

Lexa showed a small smirk before moving up the bed so she was sitting against the headboard, then pulled Clarke back into her lap.

"Go ahead," Lexa said as she looked up at the blonde with a bigger smirk.

Clarke listened and lifted a breast towards her face. She licked her nipple till she felt a stiff bud against her tongue and decided to suck, earning a moan from both of them. The blonde couldn't help the smile as she heard Lexa moan, and when she looked at her the smile got bigger.

Lexa put her hand on Clarke's hips, slowly rocking her back and forth, and leaned forward bringing a nipple into her mouth. She flicked the nipple back and forth before sucking, causing a louder moan from Clarke and for Clarke to grind down harder.

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