Of What Will Be With You and Me

Start from the beginning

"Can you get someone to pick Ben up for you tonight?" Mr. Leonard pressed. "Mr. Lawson will be here for a meeting with the team and we need thorough notes."

"Y-yes," Colleen stammered, eyeing her desk phone warily. Sirius had finally figured out his phone number and written it down for her. He'd told her wizards didn't use telephones; they communicated via owls and networked fireplaces. Of course they did.

"Black residence?"


"Hello, love. I heard someone answer their phone like that on a film this morning and I thought I would try it out. How does it sound?"

"Like you're a butler."

"What's a butler?"

Colleen laughed. "Someone who answers your phone and your door and oversees the management of the house."

"Oh, you mean a house elf."

"I suppose. Look, Sirius— I've just been assigned a really big job at work. Really big."

"Congratulations! I should take you to celebrate."

"There won't be time for that, I'm afraid. Probably not time for anything, for awhile. But if I were to add you to the pick-up list at Ben's school, would you be able to get him for me this week? Make sure he has supper?"

Colleen could almost hear his grin through the phone. "I would be delighted, darling. What time should I be there and what's the address?"

She breathed a sigh of relief. This would do wonders for her career, and this case intrigued her. She knew in spite of the craziness of his greater world, Sirius Black was a good person. And he would take good care of Ben.

Gordon Lawson was due to arrive at 5:30, but he actually showed up a half hour early, much to the surprise of the entire legal team. Most artists and celebrities couldn't be bothered to show up on time. He appeared nervous, clearly knowing much was at stake in the custody battle and afraid of the outcome.

"May I get you some tea, Mr. Lawson?" Colleen offered.

"Yes, thank you. I don't believe we've met before. Are you new?"

"New to the case. I'm Colleen Gilmore." She shook his hand. He was in his forties and very attractive, with short, messy brown hair, black framed glasses, and dark blue eyes. He probably could have been a model had he not chosen to work on the other side of the camera.

"I am looking forward to working with you, Ms. Gilmore. I do hope you'll be my good luck charm to turn this thing around. It appears not many people want to hear the side of a dad in these cases, unfortunately."

"Well, I'll be sure to keep an open mind," she assured him. "Truth will out, yes?"

Lawson nodded and took a deep breath as his attorneys led him into the conference room. Colleen hurried to get his tea before joining them. She ended up taking notes for over two hours, and the lead attorney Alan Sinclair made it clear he wanted the notes typed and on his desk by nine the next morning. Luckily Monica, the clerk who had pounced on the gossip column about Colleen and Sirius, was also anxious to pounce on Gordon Lawson and gladly volunteered to take Colleen's notes for typing. Relieved, Colleen gathered her things to go home to Ben.

"Ms. Gilmore? Might I share the lift with you on the way down?"

"Of course, Mr. Lawson."

"You may call me Gordon. Mr. Lawson was my father. He was a drunk and a complete arse. I am neither, anymore, so please call me by my first name."

"Anymore?" Colleen asked with a smile.

"I am, as they say, a friend of Bill. Sober for nine years now."

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