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That boy..As I recall, his name is Furihata Kouki and is also Tetsuya's teammate. Akashi couldn't help but chuckle a bit. " Fascinating."

Akashi fished out his phone from his pocket and made a call. It was answered after a few seconds and a voice spoke from the phone.

" Hello? " the voice said.

" Hello, Tetsuya. I'm sorry to bother you over a simple matter but, your teammate, Furihata Kouki..does he have anything in his schedule today? " He asked.

" No, I just checked with him. Why, Akashi-kun? Please do not kill him. " Kuroko questioned.

" I won't, I have my reasons. Could you ask him to meet me at that park near your school? However, do not tell him that it's me. " He stated.

"Oh, um, sure.." Kuroko said.

Akashi thanked Kuroko and ended the call. A small smirk formed on his face. Now that I know he's not busy, I can finally proceed with my plans like I always do. He kept his phone in his pocket and proceeded with the rest of his time at school. After school ends, he would go straight to the park he mentioned, of course. He continued on with school normally but still couldn't help but find himself smiling a bit when he thought of meeting him, Furihata Kouki.

That day at Kuroko's birthday party, he was greeted by a shaking male at Kagami's apartment. He found it funny how afraid that boy was of him, despite his team beating him in their last match. Akashi took the chance to talk to him when they were inside of the apartment. It was a little awkward at first since Furihata was still a bit scared of him but after some time spent talking to each other, he should have realized that Akashi wasn't that bad, right? Well that's what Akashi thought, at least. As for himself, he thought he must've been a bit out of it for thinking that he, Furihata, could be..cute..

He felt like there was something he needed to do, and it definitely had something to do with him. That was when he decided he'd get to know him better, and no one would stop him from doing so.

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aaand thats the end of one, i hope this was okay for everyone, i'll update this when i can! thanks for reading so far!

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