An unexpected visit

Start from the beginning

"Happy now?...." Jack lowly growled towards Caroline, his eyes looking at her from his peripheral as his thick brows knitted together.

Caroline didn't even dare look up from the ground as Diana cocked her gun at the pair. "On the ground!" She barked at them, but neither of them made a move to do so.

"Diana..." Jack spoke, very calmly raising his hands as if anything could get her to pull the trigger. Which it could. Diana was fuming with rage, her eyes trained upon the two monsters in front of her. 

When his hands were up, he spoke again. Diana knew this was a move to show he had no weapons in his hands. But she had seen them before this. And had seen that in fact, they did not need weapons to win a fight.

They were weapons.

"It's alright, you are safe. We aren't going to hurt you... You're safe, but we do need to talk." Jack said, his voice steady and his tone soft, though he kept constant eye contact with Diana.

Diana was silent but only for a moment, her eyes shifting between Caroline and jack quickly, trying to determine who to take down first if they did decide to take action and murder her like they had the other girls.

"Where is Daisy!? What did you do with her!?" Diana Demanded, seeing that the pair weren't going to listen to her and go to the ground.

Jack glanced over to Caroline, who gave him a confused expression, and shrugged. "Whatever you might think at the moment Diana, it's not what it seems- we-"

Diana cut him off, "So you're not giant wolf monsters!?" Her voice was harsh, almost a growl herself, catching Jack off guard. Though he was startled, he did remain calm, his expression not wavering from a stern but- compassionate one.

"Well... that part is true but we certainly aren't monsters... please let me just explain. Give me a chance..." His eyes were pleading with her, but Diana stood her ground and just glared right back at him.

A part deep inside her wanted to do that and lower the gun, but she was more scared of what could happen if she did, rather than if she didn't.

"A chance to do what? Kill me too? No. Move and I will shoot! You're lying about not knowing where my friend it, and I will find her no matter what! If not a monster, you're certainly a Creep so-"

Diana couldn't finish that sentence as Caroline suddenly moved, with a speed Diana had never seen before. Raising her gun in her direction this time, Diana fired a shot.

The next turn of events went by in a flurry for Diana. "NO!" Was the only thing Diana registered as Jack shouted it, and charged at her. He too was a lot faster than Diana could register. Without being able to actually resist, Diana felt a harsh push against her shoulders, and her gun being wrangled from her hands.

It clattered to the ground as The detective hit the ground as well. Though, not hard enough to hurt. Her attacker softened the blow?

Finding her hands pinned behind her back, Diana struggled, knowing that calling for help wouldn't help her since she had no neighbors. Jack had turned her onto her stomach and was straddling her back as he held her arms in place.

No one seemed to be harmed in the shuffle, outside of Diana's pride that is. "Get off me!" The woman shouted, struggling to even move with the weight of Jack on her back. Fear started to kick in as she trembled a little, fighting with all her strength to get loose.

"Let! Me! GO!!" She added, surprised the wasn't being slapped or told to shut up.

"Leave us Caroline. Know you and I aren't finished talking about this." She heard Jack grumble above her to the other woman. The blonde gave a soft 'yes' before shifting to her wolf form and running off.

That left just the two of them.

Diana gave escaping another chance but soon found that she was still as stuck as she had been moment earlier.

She didn't speak however, nor did Jack as he pinned her down, his weight shifting slightly as he held her arms with his own firm hands. Diana had expected him to strike by now, but he still hadn't.

He was silently just sitting, maybe waiting for something. Back up no doubt. The others probably wouldn't be far off.

"So, is this how you're going to end me?" Diana asked finally after a long silence, where the both of them just sat, accompanied by the noises of the forest around them.

Jack took a moment to respond, and Diana cursed the fact that she couldn't see his face at the moment. "I am not going to hurt you. It is and will never be an intention of mine." Jack's voice was as steady as it had been that day they met, though there seemed to be an undertone of frustration to it.

"So no, I will not end you." He finally concluded, while Diana felt the grip on her arms loosen slightly.

"Then what do you want?! Or do you pin down women for fun in your free time?!" Diana spat, squirming a little with her new found lee way, though, still unable to free herself.

The werewolf sighed, "I'd just like us to talk. If I had any intentions of hurting you Diana, I would have done so long ago. I would have liked this talk to go differently as well."

"Sure, like you don't like being on top of a woman." Diana hissed, shivering a little as the adrenaline in her body started to die down and she could actually feel the nipping cold air around her.

"Listen, I know you have questions Diana, and I can answer them, but you will have to trust me just a tiny bit for that. I'll let you have your gun if it makes you feel safe." Jack tried, his tone taking a more soothing undertone to it. The pressure on Diana's body decreased even more.

Was he seriously going to let her walk around armed, where she could shoot him just to be able to talk to her? Was this guy crazy?

"You know... you're a pretty bad serial killer." Diana mocked, not sure if she could trust him yet, and thinking the offer over. Should she just pretend and do as he says to backstab him and turn him in?

Or should she fight until the bitter end and hope that the werewolf would grow tired of life somehow?

"I know. That's why I'm not." Diana shivered, and then realized the more he got up, the colder she got. "You need to get inside Diana, you're going to get hypothermia if you don't. Please just let me talk to you and get you inside without a fight. Afterwards you can just ignore I exist."

He sounded pained to say that, but didn't elaborate on it as he waited, presumably for Diana.

The woman turned her head slightly, and thought it over a little, sighing in defeat. "Fine... I'll be have, but you better hold up your end of the bargain and let me keep my gun."

The words hadn't left her mouth, but Jack had already gotten off her. Taking a deep breath, she panicked a tiny bit when she felt his hands on her again, only to find her set back onto her feet without much effort at all.

"Are you hurt?" Jack asked, as he faced her. Finally being able to see his face, even if it was shielded a little by his hair, he looked worried.

For some reason Diana had expected an angry or crazed look. "I'm fine."

Shrugging it off, she glared, and walked over to the gun in the grass. After recovering it, she said nothing and walked back into her kitchen through the door, happy to be in the warm home again.

Jack followed close behind, but not too close. At least, not too close for comfort, in Diana's opinion.

Grabbing a coat off the rack- which turned out to be jack's leather jacket, she put it on, eying the werewolf for a moment as he sat down at the kitchen table.

"Who are you?" Diana began her interrogation, holding her gun in her hand and her finger on the trigger, though she pointed it at the floor for now.

"I am Jack, I didn't lie about that." The man at her table said, crossing his arms, his eyes intently watching Diana but not fearful.

"What are you then?" Diana snapped, a little frustrated.

This would be a long night.

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