The search is on

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Day 1

The chilling realization that her friend was in considerable danger, Diana didn't waste a moment to go to her own car and grab her phone to try and call the office receptionist to file a missing person's report and to gather a search party.

"Hello?" To her surprise, the voice that picked up the phone belonged to her boss, Chief. Blinking confusion away for a moment, Diana cleared her throat. "Chief, thank god I reached you, Daisy is missing. I just found her car in the parking lot and her keys!" She sounded panicked, barely able to keep her breathing steady.

"Ease up kiddo, that doesn't need to mean anything." Chief interjected on the other side of the line. He seemed as calm as ever, but Diana played that off as the older man just having much more experience in the field than she did.

"Well, she's not been seen since yesterday Chief, when I saw her at the office. I think something is wrong." Diana pushed, pausing only to look around the parking lot after she swore she saw some movement from the corner of her eye again.

Yet at the realization no one was there, she continued talking to Chief, who cleared his throat. "Alright, I'll come take a look and organize a search if it looks like ya say it does Diana. Just sit tight." And with that, the other hung up the phone.

Diana put her phone back into her pocket, and took the time to look around the car of her friend for any more clues she could share with her higher up in the mean time.

She had the distinct feeling she was being watched, but she didn't care. She had a gun on her and if anyone wanted to come mess with her that day, they would have to find out what would happen the hard way.

While looking, Diana noticed a sticker next to her friend's car, and kneeled down to pick it up. It seemed to be of a new type of shoe brand. Diana inspected it for just a moment until she heard the door to the office open and the familiar footsteps of her boss.

Stuffing the sticker into her pocket, forgetting about it she gave him a worried look. Though Chief only seemed a tiny bit annoyed by her request for help.

"So what's all this huffin' and puffin' about?" Asked Chief, coming up to Daisy's car as well, crossing his arms as he raised a stern eyebrow at Diana. She in turn, pointed at the car next to her, a look of frustration crossing her own face.

"This. This is Daisy's car, and she is nowhere in sight." Now Diana was growing more frustrated as Chief still seemed a little reserved and too calm given the information. "I thought her husband just picked her up cuz the car had trouble." Chief explained with a shrug.

Maybe he was still a little slow because of his earlier flu or something, Diana wondered as she looked down and pointed at the car keys. The detective hadn't touched them yet, since they could be considered evidence later on.

"She wouldn't have left those if it was car trouble, would she?" Diana asked, raising an eyebrow at Chief, who sighed deeply.

He was silent then, eying her, he hummed. "When's the last time ya had a good night sleep? Let alone a day off kiddo? Ya look like crap" The older man looked concerned in Diana's opinion.

Taking out her phone, she looked at it to confirm the date and time, only to see she had about 5 missed text messages from Jack and a missed call from him.

Not even bothering to open them, she had more important things to do anyway.  Making eye contact with her boss again she shrugged. "It's been about two days since I had a full night sleep, why?"

Chief chuckled as he shook his head, in a fatherly manner, reaching a hand out to lay on her shoulder. "Ya need some rest kiddo, workin' too many nights can make ya go a little nutty, tell ya what. Yer gonna take the day off, and I'll go look for Dais alright?"

The Lost HowlOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora