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-ˋˏ *.·:·. [A WARM AND SUNNY, PERFECT DAY] .·:·.* ˎˊ-

"ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO DO THIS FLOWER? It's not too late to back out," Mother fused as Charlotte looked into the floor-length glass hung on the wall. A picture she did not recognise reflected back to her. A strong woman, a happy woman, a woman clad in white with little flower petals all in her hair.

Charlotte sighed, "Mother-"

"You don't have to become a wife you know," she interrupted, just making sure that she was one hundred per cent sure. Any Mother would hate for their daughter to fall into a marriage that they did not truly want, the fact that she knew this was something Charlotte had wanted for a while didn't change that fact. She just had to be sure, sure that Gilbert was going to be the one to make her happiest for the rest of her life.

She smiled as she fixed the shoelace bow on her wrist. "Mother I love him with my entire soul, this is just a document that shows what I already feel inside. There is nothing that would make me want to back out, I want to be his wife. His partner in life. He is my happiness and nothing, nothing would ever make me want to lose that," she smiled, glancing at her mother through the glass. Every single word rung with the distinct truthful tone in her voice and Mother knew not to argue, Charlotte was made up and nothing in the world would change her decision. Just like she wanted it to be. She wanted her daughter to experience the love she had with her Father. The kind of love where you laugh at all the happy things, cry together at the sadness and feel comfortable and loved for all eternity. Even after death.

"Just checking," Mother smiled, her own eyes glazed over with tears of happiness. She could not imagine a better pairing, two people that had been friends for years finally getting to share the love they had for each other. There was nothing that could ruin the day, not even the stormiest weather, which thankful was far away.

Moments of silence passed as Charlotte made sure her shoes were buckled properly. A clacking of shoes against the old wood of the church reached her ears and she looked up, smiling at who had walked through the door. The Brother she hadn't seen in at least five months - he was off on some trip with Edward. "You don't look half bad," Rían grinned, walking further into the door. The door swung shut behind him, the hinges squeaking unbearably.

"Why you look positively dapper," she joked, laughing as Rían showcased his coat like it was the finest silk in the world. He wrapped his arms around her and they hugged, a hug so tight that it cut off both their circulation for a moment. It was worth it though.."How's Edward?"

"Caught up with Cole and Nathanial," he paused, a slight grin on his face as he delved into his jacket pocket. "I managed to sneak away to give you his," he smiled and Charlotte gasped as her gaze fell down to the jewellery. A black ribbon draped down his hand, forming a necklace. In the middle sat a pendant, a Celtic symbol pendant that she immediately recognised.

"Is that?" she whispered, her voice already wavering.

"Athair's," Rían answered, his mind casting back to the memory. Two days before their Father passed away. He found his own eyes glazing just like all the other Rayhill's. "He gave it to me to keep safe for this moment."

Charlotte couldn't stop the tears from falling as the three of them tied the pendant around her wildflower bouquet. A sudden chill ran her blood cold but no squeak of the door came. No one had entered the room yet another soul was present and ready to witness a marriage. And they all knew he was there, smiling along with them. Like always.

"You ready to go?" Mother asked as Charlotte blotted her eyes with a handkerchief, especially provided for this very moment. Truth was, she had been ready since she woke up that morning and all the other mornings before that. Charlotte wasn't nervous, no. The skin of her finger hadn't been pinched blue like usual, instead, butterflies of happiness and yellows fluttered in her stomach. She could not wait to walk down the aisle. To tick off a long thought about dream of hers, the perfect wedding with the perfect man stood at the end of the aisle. She nodded twice and then took her mother's arm. They walked a few steps then she took Rían's, the Rayhill family became united. Ready to send one of their own off into happiness.

Soft music played in the background as Charlotte and co stepped up to the church doors, their eyes squinting at the sudden change in lighting. Going from a warm summers day to the inside of a church had them hesitating for a moment, just a moment. That's when everything came into view. All their friends stood smiling back at her, each just as excited to see the two of them marry. That's when she saw Gilbert, after that nothing else mattered. The music softened, even more, becoming mere background music in her eyes. The soft glow that beamed through the church windows, the stained glass casting her blank canvas of a dress in all the colours imaginable. Partly why they had chosen the church in Charlottetown in the first place. She did not feel the small petals in her hair, nor did she even see the thin veil draped in front of her eyes. All she saw was him, in his freshly pressed suit and jacket. His hair and been fixed to perfection, the little stray curl at the back was still there though - he knew how much she loved that. But mostly she just wanted him to turn around, so she could see the undoubted grin on his face. The grin that had the power to make her heart flutter.

He just couldn't bear to wait any longer. Gilbert turned on his heels and immediately took in more breath since it had run away at the sight of her. She looked beautiful. No, beautiful wasn't enough to sum it up. She looked utterly divine, so much so that all he wanted to do was sweep her off her feet and kiss those rosed lips. He wiped his eyes with his suit jacket just as she arrived next to him, eyes sparkling with complete happiness. He, after Rían and her Mother had each whispered little comments that made her smile even brighter, lifted the veil and felt even more beguiled by her. The words he had written on the take notice board all those years ago rang true in his mind, she really was the most beautiful person. Inside and out. He could not have gotten any luckier.

The usual routine wedding talk began but neither really paid much attention, that was until they got to the vows. The most important part of any ceremony. A promise that they would both keep forever, a promise that even death could not break. "I Gilbert take thee, Lottie, to be my wedded wife. To have and to hold from this day forward, for better or worse. For richer for poorer, in sickness and in health. To love and to cherish till death we do part," he smiled and Charlotte couldn't help the tears of joy forming in her eyes. Her stomach and heart were just so overfilled with love that it had no choice but to show through her eyes. He slipped his only family heirloom onto her finger and it just looked at home. Gilbert dropped his voice to a whisper, "And even then." Both their smiles got a little less subtle as they looked back up at each other. Happiness or pure joy wasn't enough to describe the feeling. Not even euphoria would do it justice.

The Minister continued, "And Charlotte, will thou have this man to be thou wedded husband? To have and to hold from this day forward, for better or worse. For richer for poorer, in sickness and in health. To love and to cherish till death you do part."

She smiled and sniffled, feeling no worry about making such a proclamation. She knew that this was it. This was the love that she was destined for, the pure love that her Mother and Father had shared. She smiled, voice shaky, "I do."

"I now proclaim Gilbert and Charlotte husband and wife," the Minister called out, a smile on their face too. They couldn't wait any longer. They didn't have to wait any longer. He captured her lips with his own, cupping her cheek with his hand as he kissed her. Their first kiss as husband and wife.

"Mrs Blythe," he whispered, grinning as he extended his arm for her to take. She loved to hear that, it just felt right.

"Mr Blythe," she laughed to herself, draping her arm across his. Even now, as their fingers laced she felt warmth and comfort spread through her fingertips and down to her toes. They began to walk down the aisle, laughing and smiling as all their favourite people cheered and smiled with them. The light still danced on the surface of her dress and this time, she made sure to capture it in her mind. Ready for the painting she had planned, prepped and ready to go at her studio in her new home.

"Tá mé i ngrá leat," he smiled, kissing her hand as he looked directly into her eyes. Her stomach flipped and tied itself into so many knots that it felt like it would never be untired. Then he smiled and the knot came undone.

She smiled, her rosed cheeks hurting terribly, "Tá mé i ngrá leat."

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