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Ruby wakes with an almighty groan, the world around her spinning from side to side and all around. She holds her head as she slowly sits up. "Holy fucking shit." She groans, covering her eyes as the light from her open curtains shines in. "Fuck!" She pushes the covers off herself and slowly stands, looking down at herself. Still dressed, always a good sign.

She makes her way slowly down the hallway, groaning more at the light, as she heads to the painkillers on the side. She cracks them open and grabs a glass of water, popping two on her tongue before she downs the glass.

"Good morning."

Ruby jumps a foot in the air. "FUCK!!" She yells, her hand on her heart as she turns to the table in the corner. A scruffy looking, tall unshaven man sits there, eating a bagel and drinking a coffee. "Who the fuck are-" She stops as it comes rushing back. "You're the man from the bar."

"I'm glad you remember. You were wasted." He sniggers.

Ruby crosses her arms as she glares. "Why are you in my house?" She demands.

Jacob pulls the key from his shirt pocket. "I got you home safe and sound. Forgot to give this back so I came by to drop it off."

"You're a creep." She snaps, taking the key quickly. "You can go."

Jacob holds up the bag on the table. "Bagel?" He asks as he takes a bite of his. "Coffee too." He says with a mouthful.

Ruby keeps her arms crossed as she keeps glaring. "No, I'd like you toleave. I don't know you."

"I'm Genie, remember? Well, I'm Jacob but you didn't like that because it's too much like Jack-"

She cuts him off. "How do you know about Jack." She demands.

"You told me." He shrugs.

"I didn- okay maybe I did." She pauses as she vaguely remembers that. "Thanks for getting me home but you can go now."

"I just have one more question." Jacob says as he takes a shot with his trash at the bin, cheering for a moment as it gets in. He then looks back to Ruby. "You don't have a lot here."

"Thats not a question." She snaps rolling her eyes.

"No, it's not, you're right. You don't have a lot of things here, not a lot of anything, but you seem to have lived here for a while... then it dawned on me. Maybe you don't plan on staying... and then I saw the vodka. And the pills." He says slowly, nodding to the counter.

Ruby pales as it dawns on her. He knows. She swallows the lump in her throat. "Still don't hear a question." She whispers.

Jacob sits up and looks at her with serious eyes, kind eyes. "What did you intend to do with them?" He asks softly.

"Nothing." Ruby says sternly, grabbing the pills and shoving shoving them in a cupboard before she puts the vodka in the fridge.

Jacob watches her. "Ruby, I'm not an idiot."

"And you're not my friend! It isn't your business!" She snaps, glaring. "I told you it's nothing so it's nothing. Now please go!"

Jacob looks at her for a moment before he stands. He looks down at her as she glares straight through his chest - he's a lot taller than her. "Just know... I've felt that way too. I still do. But don't let him drive you to a place you can't come back from. You've got so much more to give." He says softly before he walks away.

Ruby waits to hear the door close before she let's her walls crumble, covering her face as she falls to her knees. She had the opportunity for help and never took it - just like always.

wrong place, right time | j.blackWhere stories live. Discover now