The Sorting Ceremony

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"Scamandor? you say?" Regulus asked cocking his head to the side like a curious puppy. "You're a half-blood aren't you?" Regulus asked while Augustus nodded cutely. Both Regulus and Pandora showed a scared look. "Some people may not be nice to you, but don't worry Augustus, we'll look after you" Pandora said before shooting Regulus a look; "Isn't that correct Regulus?".

Regulus sat quiet, not answering, just staring at the dark waters below. He slowly began to wonder what would happen if he dipped his hand in the water. Or if he really could fall out and swim to Hogwarts.

Who was Regulus kidding? Definitely not himself. He knew he couldn't swim, "what a stupid idea to have" Regulus scolded himself in his mind.

They reached a dock and a tall(but not as tall as Rubeus Hagrid) woman stood with immaculate posture which Regulus actually envied. Her hat was large and positioned gently on her head, she wore it as if it were a crown.

"Welcome to Hogwarts; If you could follow me, and hurry about it, the seventh years are complaining about being hungry" The woman said. She guided them into the castle which many people oggled at. Regulus and Pandora looked slightly before deeming it not as posh as their family holiday houses; the Black's had one in Korea, Thailand, Germany and France, The Lestrange's also had one in France but the others in Italy, South Africa(Cape Town) and Hawaii.

"I am Professor McGonagall, deputy Headmistress of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry" The woman spoke in a heavy Scottish accent. "Now, if you would please wait here, I will go and see if the ceremony is prepared to begin".

The first years were left once again. But stood with the large doors to the Great Hall and the well built stone stairs with paintings chatting.

"Welcome to Hogwarts young ones" a painting of a woman holding a baby said.

The muggle-borns were astonished at the paintings speaking.

Regulus shook off all the people who attempted to speak to him who weren't Augustus and Pandora.

The doors opened and Professor McGonagall appeared holding a rolled up parchment. "They are ready for you" She said with a small smile.

She lead the first years into the hall and as they passed Gryffindor table a loud "GO REGGIE!!!" Came from the unmistakable voice of his older brother. "Woooh! go baby Black!" James's voice called out. "GO REGULUS!" Remus and Peter shouted at the same time.

Regulus's ears turned red in embarrassment and the prefects began to scold the rowdy second years.

Regulus was one of the first people to be called up. He made eye-contact with Sirius who was smiling at him.

"Hmm? A Black? Your brother proved everyone wrong by being put into Gryffindor, let's see" The hat mumbled. "Plenty of courage, a strong mind and a high level of knowledge, but then there's an incredible amount of Ambition and Determination" The hat said to itself.

Regulus watched the colour drain from Sirius's face in the crowd of children staring at him.

"Better be......"


Regulus's eyes widened as his robes turned green and the Hogwarts crest turned into the Slytherin badge.

He walked slowly over to the Slytherin Table. He could feel his brothers eyes on him and he wanted them to go away. He wanted to be sorted again, into a different house. So at least, Sirius wouldn't look at him like a Orion Black in the making.

"Lestrange, Pandora" McGonagall called out.


"Scamander, Augustus"


Regulus watched as the two friends he had made were separated from him.

He felt a tap on his shoulder and the smile of Andromeda, Narcissa and Bellatrix looking at him. "It's the right way" Narcissa said with a cold look. "You are a Black Regulus, you should be proud" Bellatrix said.

He looked to Andromeda who looked at him with a sad smile. "Regulus, your house doesn't make you who you are, you're your own person, be who you are not who you're expected to be" said Andromeda, her hand still placed gently on his shoulder.

Unlike Sirius, Andromeda, Narcissa and Bellatrix were quite high up in the school, they were fifth ,sixth and seventh years. Andromeda was the nicest of them all, she looked at Regulus and Sirius as if they were the stars they were named after.

Some relief came over Regulus when he realised he would have Andromeda for the next two years of Hogwarts. Until he saw the look on Sirius's face.

"I'm sorry Siri" Regulus mouthed across the hall. Sirius just shook his head and turned back to his meal.


Well, despite Reg being all pureblood supremacy, he made a half-blood friend.

I did make Augustus up, I made sure there were no characters called Augustus Scamander, if you know a character with the name(In the Harry Potter universe) tell me and I will think of a new name for him :)

Bye for now my lovelies

Taylor ;)

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