The Hogwarts Express

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The youngest Black stood, listening to his mother's scornful words. "Don't be like Sirius" "You have already brought enough shame on our family, try and bring honour to us whilst you are away".

It all ended with when Regulus sighed and looked his mother in the eye. "Toujours Pur mother" He said coldly. A slightly proud look glinted in Walburga's eyes when she heard this. "Disappoint me and it will be you facing the consequences, not Sirius" Walburga said, "Now, out of my sight the both of you".

She lifted her hand to shoo them off and Sirius flinched, the families watching them all had their eyes widened at the boys reaction. Regulus took Sirius's hand and pulled his arm. "Come on Sirius, people are looking" Regulus begged.

Kreacher stood by Walburga and waved at Regulus. "Have a good term Master Regulus" Kreacher said. "Kreacher, stay out of mine and Sirius's rooms whilst we are away" Regulus called out. "Anything for you Master Regulus".

Sirius mimicked the House-elfs voice and words as they walked onto the train.

Regulus found himself dragged into a compartment with a grumpy caramel sandy haired boy, sat across from the familiar beaming smile and floppy hair of the Potter families son James. "Hello my loves" Sirius said slumping down next to the boy with the sandy caramel haired boy.

Regulus stood in the the staring awkwardly and running his hands through his freshly cut hair. James Potter looked up and waved at him. "You must be Regulus" James said with a polite smile, "Sirius always talks fondly of his little brother".

Regulus looked at Sirius who was talking away to the boy sat next to him.

James took his hand and lead him to sit next to him. "I'm James, James Potter" He said with his floppy hair slightly falling over his eyes. Regulus smiled tightly. "Regulus, Regulus Black" Regulus said shaking James's hand.

"James! where did you put my sweets?" a slightly tubby boy with flush cheeks and blonde hair asked walking into the compartment not taking notice of Regulus. "Remus ate them" Sirius said as a joke.

"Oh right!" Sirius exclaimed. "Everyone, this is my brother Reggie, little bundle of joy, sense the sarcasm" Sirius said mumbling the last bit. Regulus looked down. He felt the intense gaze of the boy Sirius was speaking to on him. "Reg, this is Remus, the genius I told you about" Sirius said brightly. The boy, know known to be Remus, blushed slightly and pushed Sirius away. "I ain't no genius". Regulus flinched from the boys rough voice.

Sirius nudged Remus slightly and the boy sighed. "Sorry, I'm tired" Remus apologised, his eyebags were dark and Regulus relaxed slightly. "Siri said you needed a little help with something, he thinks I can do it, would that be alright with you?" Remus's voice was gentler than it was before. A small comforting smile had reached the boys face as he looked at Regulus.

James tilted his head as he handed the tubby boy a large bag of sweets. "Pete, be careful, don't eat too many, you'll be sick" James said with a look of concern. "Yeah Peter, listen to Mumma Potter" Remus said teasingly. Both Regulus and Sirius looked down at the mention of mother's. James glared at Remus who sank back into his chair. "Sorry" Remus muttered obviously feeling slightly guilty.

"So Baby Black, whatcha need help with?" Remus asked once again smiling as he munched on muggle chocolate. "Please don't call me that, I'm Regulus" Regulus said with a low voice. Remus nodded. "Don't worry, these kids called me Wolfie Wolfingston when they found out my name" Remus said with a laugh. "His surname is Lupin" James explained. "Oh and Remus, like the boy who was raised by a wolf? The one of the founders of Rome?" Regulus said curiously. "Yes!" Remus said beaming with pride that someone knew the exact origin of his name. "That's really cool, do you like Roman Mythology?" Regulus asked. Sirius groaned, "Stop being nerds, I have to deal with you at home and you at school" Sirius pointed to Regulus then Remus.

"Reggie here wants a gender switch spell" Sirius said proudly, "And I thought, who better to trust with my brothers male making than the magical genius of a best friend, Remus John Lupin". Remus blushed again and turned his focus on Regulus. "Gender switch? you sure? these things are hard to reverse,take a while to wear off too" Remus said cautiously. Regulus sighed, "Mr Lupin, I have chopped all my hair off and am wearing clothes handpicked by Sirius, however I still have female parts, I wish not to have them" Regulus said firmly. Remus got the hint and smiled, "Well Regulus, I understand" Remus said taking out his wand, "Suppose I should use a locking charm then right?". Regulus and Sirius both nodded.

Remus made Regulus stand and pointed his wand at him. He muttered a spell and flicked his wand.

Regulus started choking and spluttering. Sirius started asking Remus if he did it right whilst holding his brother to his chest.

"Have you ever heard of Pinochio?" Remus asked sitting back down and tucking his wand back into his pocket. "I'm a real boy" Regulus said with a laugh. Sirius gasped at how his brothers voice suddenly turned more masculine. "YOU DID IT REMUS!" Sirius cheered, "Oh I could just kiss you I'm so happy!". He held Regulus close and squeezed the poor boy. "Sirius I can't breathe" Regulus choked.

James patted Regulus on the shoulder. "How's it feel? got a ding dong?" James asked. Regulus gasped at the question. "Hey I'll take you to the toilets, you can see then" Sirius said, obviously joking from the tone of his voice. Regulus shook his head.

"Oh right, stay still" Remus said taking out his wand again and pointing it at Remus. "Clausum salvum" Remus said flicking his wand. "Locking charm" James said smiling comforting Regulus slightly.

Regulus knew that as soon as he was sorted, his mother would have eyes all around the castle. He wouldn't be able to speak with Sirius or his friends. But deep down, he wanted to. Despite being raises believing that Half-bloods and Bloodtraitors were the next worst thing to muggle-borns, Regulus was comforted by the group of friends his brother spoke so fondly of.

James, smiled at him as if he held the world in his hands.

Remus, didn't ask why he wanted to be a boy, or call him anything insulting, he just did the charm and was kind.

Peter, Peter didnt really do anything, but he did give Regulus a Chocolate Frog, which he was very grateful for.

Sirius watched as the three of his friends tried to make Regulus feel as happy and comfortable as they could. And Regulus smiled. For the first time in a while, Sirius saw a smile on his Little Reggies face. And he felt relieved, that just for a second, they could be brothers again.


stfu I'm not crying :'(

okay I am

And yes, Lucas Jade Zumann(During Anne with an E) is how I picture YOUNG Young Regulus.

okie dokie

See ya ;)

Taylor (●'◡'●)ノ

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