Alone In The Battle pt.4

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POV Maia

I began eating the food. I found that it was not poisonous, and was actually quite good. The only part of it that was bad was the demon hair I found in it. It tasted like garbage and pretty much ruined the entire thing.

"Sebby, you need to tell your servants to wear hair nets." Clary said, pretty much reading my mind. I glanced at Clary, and found myself glancing away just as fast. Her dark red hair, black wings, and red costume were all to much for me. "Really, though, if I didn't have the power to fix the taste, it would be as if I was shoving garbage down my throat."

"They are not just my servants now, sis." Sebastian looked up at her while eating a bite of chicken.

"Right, sorry." Clary shrugged.

Clary drank a sip of wine and coughed. Nobody else seemed to notice, but when she wiped her face, Maia saw a little bit of golden liquid come off onto her clothes. She wiped at it with a napkin before returning to the conversation. "Sebby, is there desert?"

Again, Sebastian clapped, and the servants came in, placing down trays of cake, and taking the other plates away. Thank god, I thought, I could not stand any more of that food.

Clary rubbed her hands together and began to eat the cake. I heard her cough again, and saw more of the golden substance being rubbed away. "You alright, sis?" Sebastian asked.

"Yeah. Sorry, just swallowed wrong, I think." Clary wiped the golden substance off her sleeve with a scowl.

"Well, where shall we begin with our attack?" Sebastian said, not even trying to hide it from the rest them.

"I can do it. I don't need help. Not with these powers." Clary smirked.

"I know, but I want to be at the center of the action along with you." Sebastian shrugged.

"Well, how about Idris? After we told them about what happened, they brought all the kids to Alicante. We could go, and kill them all. And, we could kill everyone who lives there along with them." Clary just kept this face on that was so blank. Like she didn't even care that she was talking about mass murdering Idris' entire population.

Sebastian nodded, "I like the way you think-" Clary slammed her fist down on the table and put her other hand to her throat. She toppled over out of her seat, making strange noises. Sebastian jumped up, yelling her name. Pretty much everyone at the table was standing up, although they couldn't move with the chains, they were calling out to her. Jace was the loudest.

"Clary! Clary!" Jace screamed. I joined in, yelling my friend's name.


POV Clary

I had no idea what the hell was happening. One minute, Sebastian and I were talking about world domination, then I felt my food coming up into my throat and I was toppling over, choking. I clutched my throat, and coughed a bunch of times. Sebastian came dashing over to my side, and everyone at the table was screaming for me. I lifted myself and landed on all fours. I began puking out the golden liquid that had been coming out of me earlier when I had coughed. It splattered on the floor and I heard Sebastian scream. I wasn't sure if it was because I was puking and he was concerned, or if it was just because I was puking out the golden liquid.

I saw stars as she puked the last bit of the golden liquid out.


POV Jace

Clary coughed the last bit of the substance out and fell to the side. Sebastian cursed and lifted her into the chair. He felt her pulse and relaxed. "Everyone SIT DOWN." Sebastian turned to them. They all sat down slowly, except for me.

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