0. Prologue

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I let out a happy little groan when the last lecture of the day ended, officially starting the weekend. I put my laptop away and stood up to wait for my friends before we left the hall together.

"I'm getting so drunk tonight," one of them said in a cheerful tone.

It wasn't really a topic for me, so I only listened with one ear as we walked through the busy hallways. We reached the main entrance and stepped out into the sunny yard. It was such a nice spring day, so when the guys asked me to hang out with them, I agreed.

We went to grab sodas from the nearby café and found ourselves a pretty spot by the trees to sit down. The topic was still the party that night, but I didn't let them see my boredom. It wasn't hard to keep a smile on my face simply because the day was so beautiful.

"I'm guessing you're not coming?" one of my friends asked, looking at me.

"Oh, no, not Riley," another one replied on my behalf. "Riley would never touch booze."

"I do drink occasionally," I said with a chuckle.

"Yeah, right." The guys laughed.

I waved my hand in a dismissive manner.

"Does that mean you're joining us?"

I shook my head. "I have somewhere to be at six," I explained.

"See? He never comes!"

The conversation moved on. I leaned back against my hands to soak in the sunlight, enjoying the warm rays after the cold, rainy winter.

"Hey Riley!"

I peered over my shoulder and spotted a couple of my female friends passing us by. I waved at them and turned my head back toward the sun, not thinking much about it. But of course, the guys being guys...

"She was definitely checking you out," the guy next to me said, nudging me on the side with his elbow.



"She was not," I said with a smirk. "We're just friends."

My words were followed by laughter, and I peered at the loudest ones. The ones I didn't really know.

"She wants you to get in her pants, dude!"

"Oh, no! We don't talk about s-e-x in front of our Riley. He doesn't know about it yet. He's too innocent!"

"Come on, I'm not a virgin," I said and laughed lightly.

"Yeah sure."

"Guys..." I just sighed and chuckled.

I stayed with them for half an hour, letting them crack jokes about me not wanting to join them at the party. It just really wasn't my thing, and I already had plans for the evening. When five o'clock drew near, I sat up and grabbed my bag.

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