Rengoku x reader

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Rengoku Kyojuro x reader insert

— Fluff (?) ⠇Angst ⠇Major Character Death

— Word count: 525

   You knew it was dangerous. The duty of someone with such profession is very risky, one night and someone dear might depart forever. One night is all it takes for a future of one to vanish.

   You know it was dangerous. For one mere civilian to be affiliated to a warrior, who's life is in line every night he departs for a mission. Of course, you're aware of it. Your family and friends are very much worried. Having a connection with a slayer is bad enough, what more to be bewitched to the soul to one who wouldn't hesitate to give his life.

   You know it was dangerous, and yet here you are.

   "You better return back safe and sound, okay?" You were sending him off, like a mother to her child to their first day of school, like a wife to her husband sending him off to work. But everyone knows that nothing compares to the worry of a lover letting go of their cherished person to the battlefield.

   His lips tugged into a smile that you will never get tired of, placing a hand to your cheek to caress your face delicately. He has always been so soft with you, one who's with a loud and strong exterior, with such frailty and gentleness to those most precious to him.

   "You know I will always come back to you." He said, pulling you close into his arms where you feel the most safe. "You're my home, my love. No demon could stop me from returning to where I'd like to spend my life forever. I will always come back home to you."

   Those were the only words you needed to believe him. You trust him with everything, and if it's the future he assures you, then you would remove any worries in a heartbeat.

   You can't help but let out a short breath of laughter, pulling back from his embrace to place your hands on either side of his face, which he immediately covered with his own warm palms with a stupidly adorable smile. "If I'm your home, then I guess it's only proper of me to call you mine."

   You know it was dangerous, and yet, even with the dread still tugging on the back of your mind after the usual assurance, you let him go. Even if you didn't, his resolution of fighting for the good will never flatter. He wouldn't listen, for he thinks that his life is merely just an aid to save many.

   Still, you should have at least tried. It won't make a difference, for he won't listen to not aid those in need, but the guilt and regret that stayed would be not as strong every night if you made an effort. It was all to late.

   That was two years ago. Exactly two years without someone coming home to you. Two years without seeing the smile you will never get tired of witnessing. He's been gone for so long.

   And as you curl underneath the sheets in the middle of the night, with a hand covering your mouth to silence your cries, you only realized how dangerous it really was.

   You have never been as homesick on your own home.



I made this after a breakdown lmao



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