"I feel sick. I dont usually get sick when i travel. Must be something i ate" i managed to say. i clutched hand to my stomach as if thats gonna help the nausea. " or it could be you"

" As far as i remember, you didnt eat me. So lets keep that off the table for now" Adhi scoffed. He ran back to the bike and started fumbling in his bag. He came back with a water bottle. After taking long swiggs of water and washing my mouth with it and getting rid of that vulgur taste from my mouth i was feeling a little better.

"Must be that egg bajji" Adhi mumbled. "it mustve been old or something."

I took a long breath to clear my head. Splashed a few drops of water on to my face and went to the bike. Adhi came to my side and placed his hands on my forhead, i was taken aback for a moment but immediately slapped it away.

"What? im checking your temperature. You could be running a fever" he placed is hands on my forhead again and sighed." you are cold as ice maya."

i grinned "Thank you".

Adhi looked confused. HIs hands left my head but didnt go down. it was flosting mid air. "That wasnt a compliment"

i chuckled and pulled my hoodie cap over my head again. He understood it was end of converstaion and went to get on the bike. I pulled out my phone and checked the location, we had reached the landmark that Raji aunty had told us to reach. Our calculations mustve been wrong, we weren't ten block away from their house. We were right infront of their house. A few steps forward and i saw the black painted metal gate which opened to a long sandy courtyard.

The house was small and compact. It was painted in plain white like they wouldnt allow colors into their own lives. A red figure gracefully walked down the courtyard towards the gate. When the figure got closer i understood that it was a women wrapped in a red saree. i patted Adhi's shoulder and pointed him towards the house. i quickly swapped my hoodie with the duppatta.

"Here comes the nightmare" i mumbled. Adhi went down from the bike and walked upto the gate. He pushed the gate open and the muscles on his forearms strained agianst the fabric of his shirt. He went back to the bike and rode it inside and i walked inside plastering my fakest smile on my face and walked towards her.

"Hii raji aunty" i walked towards her with my arms open wide.

"Ohh maya dear. its so nice to see you" she hugged me a little too tighly. Somethings never change.

"look at you all pretty and bridley." a male voice boomed from behind raji aunty. Hemanth or manny as we call them walked towards us with a bright smile. I gave him a tight hug, which no doubt earned scowl from the women behind. When i was chatting with them and hand snaked up my waist and pulled me to hard side.

"Hii Im Adhitya. im the husband" He flashed his smile and gave a pointed glance towards manny who was practically drooling. I put my arm around him too.

"Oh such a handsome boy you are. No wonder you eloped." Raji aunty winked at me. I attempted to smile.

She led us both back to the house. Manny pulled me aside and asked" Okay spill. Who.Is.That.Guy? He sure aint you husband"

My shoulders slumped "Is it really that obvious?"

"To others, No way. But for your gay bestie it is clear as day. hey that rhymed" he pushed me towards the hall. Raji aunty came in with drinks and asked us to wash up for breakfast.

When Adhi left to wash up, we huddled up again " He is Tara's brother in law to be. It was a kind of last minute recruitment so i didnt have that much of a choice."

"A choice? Bitch that guy is catch! I mean look at him. If he wasnt your fake husband i would climb him like a tree" Manny swooned.

a chuckle rose from me " He's straight bud"

"I know. Why do all cute guys have to be straight?" he sighed.

Adhi came back from the wash room and sat beside me. "What are you two whispering about?"

"Thats none your businness" i snapped.

Adhi flinched, hurt passed through his face, but that was there one second and was replaced with a haughty smirk. "It is my business, Youre my Wife remember?"

The emphasis he put on the word Wife was enough for me to deflate like a balloon. Manny took over, "ohh its nothing, We were talking about how she is not exactly your wife." manny rested his face on his fist and looked at adhi.

Adhi looked at me in shock "We are supposed to convince them, not expose us the minute we step inside the house." he said through gritted teeth.

"No, you are supposed to convince my mother. You have no idea how many times i told her i was gay, but she wouldnt buy it. It took me making out with my tution sir, in my bed for her to believe it. Still she thought it was some kind of disease that can be cured if i got married to a girl. And who is better than this bitch, who knows me since we were in diapers." Manny sighed.

My heart ached for him. His family has put him through a lot. Coming out itself is ahuge thing but the rejection after it, is unimaginable.

"I would never do that to her. Even if i was straight i would never marry you, You are like a sister to me. How am i supposed to . . . you know . . have sex with someone who is like my sister?" he cringed. "Bleh, disgusting. And Now were here. So keep up the lovey dovey act until i give you confirmation that my mom is 100% convinced that you are married. okay?"

"Okay" me and adhi said at the same time.

"Comeon kids, lets eat" Raji aunty called us to the kitchen.

A small dining table was set up in the middle of the kitchen. It could only occupy three people at a time, so me, adhi and manny sat down first. i was sitting next to Adhi, Obviously. As the host Raji aunty stayed to serve us food. Today's breakfast was idli and sambar. The national breakfast of south indians.

When i began to pick idlis for my plate, raji aunty slapped my hands " Serve your husband and then eat dear. No one taught you that?" she frowned.

Adhi grinned like cheshire the cat. Manny was controlling his laughter. and i was fuming with anger, But i smiled and got up. I put 5 idlis on his plate and poured a shit ton of sambar onto it. the flow of sambar was so fast, it splashed and droplets of sambar now decorated adhi's shirt.

"oops, sorry honey" i plastered a smile and adhi flashed me a similar one.

i filled my plate and began to eat. But the moment the first bite of idli reached my mouth nausea churned in my stomach and i broke into sweat again.

Adhi gripped my shoulders. "You feeling sick again?"

"im fine" i mumbled.

"Whats wrong? You look like you're about to puke. And thats not a reaction i expect from someone who's seen me after 5 years" Manny frowned.

"I did puke, and its not because of you. Something i ate on the road isnt sticking to my stomach. Its nothing." i reassured them

Raji aunty visibly glowed at that moment. Her eyes widened in shock. She immediately came to my side and held my hands.

"Are you feeling nauseous?" she asked


"Unexplainable fatigue?"

"kind of"

"Dizziness or mood swings?"

"not really"

"Are you craving sour?"

"NO! why? whats going on?" i snapped. Adhi closed his eyes tighly and cringed.

Raji aunty was beaming. "ohh myy godd Maya, I think congratulations are in order"

"What?"I realised the trap way too late. Ohh nooo. Adhi was shaking with silenced laughter.

"Honey, I think you are Pregnant!" she shrieked and hugged me.


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