Chapter 38- Caged Heart

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"Great job, guys." Ally started by remarking her friends' effort. "So what do we do now?"

"I guess, I should go home." Cameron said standing up. She hid her surprise at his actions but Haley wasn't going to keep mum.

"Oh wait… Before you go I just want to thank you guys for the amazing night I had yesterday. It was so fun, you guys made it so special. And Luke thank you for the bestest gift ever. I love you guys!"

"It was really fun... But I don't think I remember shit." Ryan added scrubbing his head making everyone laugh.

"Yeah, it was great." Ally said when Haley's eyes were on her looking for a response. She looked at the smiling faces but one of them had distinct fake smile. It was his. She wondered whether last night was a terrible night he would wish to forget forever.

He caught her staring and instantly she looked away. Great. What a way to embarrass yourself, Ally. She scolded herself. To avoid the awkward situation she insinuated into a conversation with Ryan.

"You were going to hear back from Berkeley, right?" He asked.

"Yeah. They'll mail it in the first week of April. What about you?"

"Ugh… I don't know. Maybe I'll just go to college here." Ryan wasn't particularly good in studies, he wanted explore his interests by experimenting on different majors.

"Hmm. Whatever you want to do, buddy." She encouraged him by patting his shoulder.

Meanwhile Cameron was about to leave after talking for a while with Luke and Haley. "Okay, guys. So I'll see you later. And once again Happy 18th birthday Haley!" He happily hugged Haley and left not even sparing her a second look and Ryan seemed to notice that.

"Something up with you guys?" She heard him ask. She looked around to check no one was hearing them; the couple was busy in their own discussion.

"Nope." She said flatly.

"Come on. I can see, something happened between you and Cam." She stared at him, astonished. Apart from Cameron, he was the only one in the group she could count on at anytime. Not even her old girl friends were that reliable and understanding.

"Ugh… I can't tell you that. But let's just say things… between us… are just way too complicated to talk about."

He nodded in understanding. "O-Okay. But you guys get along so well. What could possibly come between you two?" My commitment issues and a certain brunette who he is currently dating. She thought but didn't speak.

"I don't know." She shrugged.

"Well… I hope you sort out your differences." With a conviction she didn't feel in the truth of his words she left for her house. She stank of alcohol, sweat and a broken heart when she collapsed into the bed the minute she reached home.

That night she cried like she had never cried for any person ever in her life. All she could think, see and feel was his beautiful face engraved in her mind. She had never felt so broken in her entire life, like someone had taken away a piece of her soul. Her mind went on an infinite loop playing the last moments with him in the car. She was tied down by her own fear disabling her from something she was craving for. She wanted to be with him, but she wasn't sure how to overcome her issues and take that one leap of faith which could make or break her.

The spring break flew away as she immersed herself in sad songs, reading his old text messages or seeing his facebook. She was tattered by the intensity in her emotions as she didn't know she could be affected by someone so gravely. The most shocking fact she discovered about herself was that, a boy was capable of tearing her apart by his mere actions and words. And she didn't like to assign him with so much power and control on her life which was inherently impossible for her to do now. It was apocalypse since she always used to mock the romantic movies exaggerating emotions but now she felt like she was living in the same lame world. Indeed, she wasn't immune to these stupid feelings like she had thought.

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