Chapter 2

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Night had fallen and they were all staring at the starless sky reflected in the ocean.

Suddenly, people in boats with lanterns hanging on a stick in a corner of the boat floated by them.

Everyone crowded together to watch the ghostly people pass by them.

Elizabeth saw a familiar silhouette and walked to the railing next to the rest of the crew. As she leaned against the railing, the light from the lantern in that boat fell on the man's face, revealing it to be governor Swann.

Delighted that they had come back, she exclaimed, "It's my father! We've made it back! Father! Father! Here! Look here!"

Jack walked up behind her and said in a low voice, "Elizabeth, we're not back."

She turned around to see Jack gazing at her with pity in his dark brown eyes.

Moving away from Jack in disbelief as Olivia reached out to her, she yelled louder, "Father!"

Hearing her, he turned his head to face them, "Elizabeth! Are you dead?"

She shook her head, whispering, "No. No."

He smiled gently, "I think I am."

Tears poured down her face as her lips trembled and she shouted in a shaky voice, "No, you can't be!"

The governor thought for a moment and explained what he saw before he died, "There was this chest, you see. It's odd. At the time it seemed so important."

Elizabeth yelled, "Come aboard!"

Ignoring her pleas, he continued, "And a heart. I learned that if you stab the heart, yours must take its place. And you will sail the seas for eternity. The Dutchman must have a captain. Silly thing to die for."

Worrying about her father's fate, Elizabeth instructed, "Someone, cast a line! Come back with us!

As Marty was slowly taking the line, Elizabeth rushed to him, grabbed the line and threw it to her father, "Take the line!"

Her father smiled at her, full of pride with a tinge of sadness, "I'm so proud of you, Elizabeth."

Wanting her father to come aboard, Elizabeth screamed, "Take the line! Take the line!"

When he just looked at her with his bittersweet smile still in place while the rope slid out of his boat, Elizabeth completely lost herself.

Desperate to get her father back, she rushed to the edge of the Pearl to jump into the water to rescue her father, prompting Tia Dalma to firmly say, "She must not leave the ship!"

Everyone except for Jack who was just staring at her in pity and surprise, ran to grab her before she went overboard.

Tears falling down her face like a river, she yelled, "Father! Please come with us! Please! No! I won't leave you!"

Her father looked up at her as he passed, "I'll give your love to your mother."

Olivia wrapped her hands around Elizabeth and held her tightly, muttering, "Elizabeth, it's alright. You at least got to talk to him before he passed on."

Her shirt was soaked in Elizabeth's tears as she felt tears pool in her own eyes that she quickly blinked away.

Will asked Tia Dalma, "Is there a way?"

She shook her head sadly, "Him at peace."

Elizabeth had cried herself to sleep in Olivia's arms. They sat together on the stairs leading up to the wheel as the early morning sun rays hit them. Feeling the scorching sun on her skin, Elizabeth opened her eyes to see Olivia staring down at her with anxious eyes. She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and sat up, tucking the loose strands of her dark blonde hair behind her ears.

A Pirate's Life (Sparrabeth/WillTurnerxOC) Book 3Where stories live. Discover now