The Projector

Depuis le début

I saw Beverly stand up and the boys
panting with relief.
Beverly then went up to Ben and thanked him
then went over and hugged Bill,
I looked to see Mike, Eddie, Richie and Stan
were okay.
As soon as they calmed down for a bit
including myself
I tried to get up but one of my shoe laces
got stuck on a nail
that was poking out of the chair.
Well shit.
I tried wiggling it out till I heard Eddie shout.

Eddie's POV:

I sighed in relief
and looking around to see that everyone okay.
Except for Y/n?
" Guys..! "
I paused taking a puff from my inhaler.
" Where's Y/n? "
I continued putting it back in my Fanny pack
questioning them.
" Is - is she? "
Bill spoke not being sure of what to say.
" I don't know? "
Richie said shrugging his shoulders.
" Y/n!? "
Bev shouted but Y/n didn't respond.
" She can't be, she...
She was right here with us... "
Stan added pausing in between mumbling his sentence when,

" I'm here! "
She shouted as we saw a chair moving.

Oh thank god.

We heard Y/n shout
somewhere in the back, and I was about to
rush over to her
till Richie went over to her first.
I saw Y/n stand up with Richie helping her up and them making their way to us.
" Woah.. You okay Y/n/n? "
I asked her, and saw that her cheek has a little slit and a little blood dripping from it.
" Mhm. "
She nodded giving me a slight smile.
" Your cheek is bleeding a little. "
I heard Stan mention.
" What? Ohhh... That's fine. "
She said wiping the blood off and looked at me.
WHAT! Wha- WHY did just wipe it off with her hand!?
She doesn't know where it's been!
She could've
at least used her shirt?!

Surprisingly she then came up to me and stood beside me, I guess she knows where to go
when she gets hurt.
I handed her a tissues to clean her cheek and
she took it.
But I realized we still need to
get out of this stupid mess
about that clown.

Y/n's POV:

I took the tissue Eddie gave me
and started cleaning the blood off my cheek.
" It saw us...
It saw us, and IT knows where we are. "
Eddie suddenly whimpered as I put the tissue
in my pocket.
" It always did. "
Bill replied calmly.
" S - S - So, let's go. "
Bill continued as he walking out the garage.
" Go? Go where? "
Ben asked in a worried tone.
" Neibolt. That's where G - G - Geo - Georgie is. "
Bill stuttered.
" After that? "
Stan asked gesturing his hand to the situation.
" Yeah, it's summer. We should be outside. "
My brother sighed looking down.
" If you say it's summer one more..
F- F - FUCKING time... "
Bill stuttered again and he walked to his bike
riding it.
Leaving us all quiet
and not wanting to Neibolt.
" Bill!... Wait!! "
Beverly shouted but he still kept riding. Assuming he's on his way
to that Crack Head house.
" Come on, we gotta catch up with him. "
Beverly sighed picking her bike up and riding it.

The rest of us followed from behind
and as soon as we reached Bill we saw him him walking towards the house.
" Bill!
Bill, we can't go in there. This is crazy. "
Beverly shouted as she plopped her bike to the ground and walked to him.
The rest of us followed and I was the last one to drop my bike.
" Look, you don't have to come in with me. But what happens when another Georgie goes missing?
Or another Betty?
Or another Ed Corcoran?
Or once of us?
Are you just gonna pretend it isn't happening like everyone else in this town?
Because, I can't. "
Bill whimpered with his voice being filled with sadness.
I looked around
everyone and seeing the creepy ass house right in front of us.
" I go home,
and all I see is that Georgie isn't there.
His clothes, his toys, his stupid stuffed animals,
but.. He isn't.
So walking into this house, for me,
it's easier than walking into my own. "
Bill finished his sentence as he was walking towards the door.
" Wow.. "
My brother said out of the blu.
" What? "
Ben asked.
" He didn't stutter once. "
Richie replied and started walking up the steps, I followed him.

So did Ben,
Eddie, Beverly and Mike were about to follow till Stan shouted.
" Wait! "
We stopped and turned out heads to Stanley.
" Um... Shouldn't we have... Some people keep watch?
You know, just- just incase something
bad happens?  "
Stan added.
" Wh - Wh - Who wants to stay out here? "
Bill whispered but loud enough for us to hear with his hand already on the door knob.

Wow I guess he really wants to go in...

Everyone raised their hand except for Bev and I,
we looked at each other
to see that the ones who didn't wanna go in
still had to..

" Fuck.. "
Richie sighed.

To Be Continued...

Eddie Kasbrak x Reader IT storyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant