{83} ~ Shinsou's start line ~

Start from the beginning

"Woah he's so serious." Midoriya said.

"Be on guard." Tokoyami said.

"He's taking intensity classes from you Roki." Sero said.

"Wait you think so?"Shoto asked.

"Oh yeah ." He said.

"Y/N! Shinsou's totally looking at you."Hagakure said.

I made her blush.


"Look at that smile, he's cute."Mina said to her.

"Go on and talk to him before class Y/N!"Momo said to her.

"Okay okay girls come down I will."She said to them.

"Like hell you will , Hey Fuzzyhead quit looking at my girlfriend before I blast you all the way to hell!"Bakugo yelled to me.

"Katsuki! Be nice and you can't stop me." She said to Bakugo.

She's got spunk.

Their perfect for each other.

I'll just catch her alone when he's not around.

During his match I will.


"I like this guy." Monoma said placing a hand under his chin.

"Shouldn't we be getting on with this Vlad?" Aizawa said.

"Time for combat training, this will be a battle between class A and class B. Here in one corner in feild gamma, you'll be grouped in teams of four, each competing one at a time." Vlad began.

"Sounds like fun." Mina said.

"Hopefully it'll be a good mix." Tokage said.

"But with Shinsou that makes 41 won't that be impossible to be divide the teams equally. "The Beast said.

"Which is why he'll be participating twice one time either us and one time with class A, in other words two matches will be five against four prepare yourselves." Vlad continued.

"That's super unfair for the smaller team. "Hagakure said.

"It's probably more of a disadvantage to have the inexperienced Shinsou on your side. The larger teams will have an advantage in numbers but also a handicap.
Listen closely to the scenario your all hero agencies trying to capture a villainous organization you should consider your oppents to be evil criminals, you'll win if you capture four competors.In your teams base camp you'll find an adorably decorated prison, once you put your enemies behind bars that will count as a capture." He explained.

"So we got to capture four losers, is that what you meant when you said disadvantage?" Bakugo said.

"Huh?" Kaminari said.

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