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The last few days have been weird. I haven't seen Gilbert. I went to his house but we wasn't home. He hasn't returned to school just yet but that understandable. But on the bright side it's finally the holiday season. The school has a tree up and the choir has been practicing. Me,Anne and Moody sit at a desk cutting paper snowflakes for ornaments. I hear Josie pie across the room. "That the cuthberts are poor." She says. I try to ignore her but I cant." Anne is poor?" Diana says. "What do you mean poor?" Tilly asked. "Poor as in penny less head fellow with no head for finance.." Josie says. "That's not very nice." ruby says. I see Anne look at the girls as well and we look at eachother. "The cuthberts had to mortgage there farm. Isn't that sad..."Josie adds. Just then Anne jumps up and I'm right behind her. "Josie bpie you take that back!" Anne demands. "Why are you sad? It's only true. Your poor."Josie says. Anne stands there frozen. I can't belive it. Why didn't they tell us. "Wait you didn't know? Do you at least know if there going to keep you?!" Josie says with a disgust face. "Keep me?" Anne says. "Josie pie you are terrible." I say.

Me and Anne left early from school and diana chased after us. Anne is terribly scared. She dosnet want to lose green gables and she is scared they will leave her. "Anne they won't get rid of us. We can get jobs. Helping people! We can help!" I say. She nods and calms down a little bit.

When we get home me and Anne hear Marilla yelling at Mathew. We sneak into the secret room and easdrop. I hold Anne as we listen to the two bicker. Suddenly we hear a thud and we run in to see Mathew on the ground. "Mathew!" Anne yells. I kneel down next to him and check his pulse and flip him over so he dosent choke on his tounge.

That night the doctor came and checked on Mathew. He basically said he had a heart attack and can't work for a long time. That means I'm gonna have to stay home from school for. Alittle while getting all the outside work done. Marilla is under alot of stress about the money situation. I'm just hopping I can help in some way.

It's been a few days since Mathew episode and I haven't returned to school. Me and Jerry have been working day and night on the farm. But sadly Marilla let Jerry go cause we could not afford to pay him any longer. Marilla has decided we will sell everything valuable of ours and the berry's will buy the cattle. Me,Anne and Jerry will be going to Charlotte town to sell our belongings. Jerry will join us so he can get his last week of pay. Sadly me and Anne are selling our dresses. We'll I'm selling mine and Anne is returning hers. We fill the buggy with our belongings and get the horses ready. Diana runs up giving Anne a bag of things to sell. We climb on the buggy and me and Anne kiss Marilla cheek and head off. Anne and Jerry bicker back and forth for awhile. Jerry singing in French to annoy her. I just roll my eyes at the children. When we get to town me and Anne take our dresses to ginny. One of Mathews old friends and where he got Anne's dress. We walk inside and we walk to the counter. "How may I help you today?" Ginny asked. "I'm here to return a dress." Anne says. "And me to sell one." I add. "Is something wrong with them?" She asked. I shake my head. "Not a thing. "Anne says. "Do you not like it?" She asked. "Oh not it's my most favorite thing. But I have to return it to help my family." Anne says. She opens the dress box and looks at it. "Your Anne. Mathews Anne. And you must be billie." She adds. I nod. "I am! It's so nice hearing it said like that!" Anne says. "What ahppend dear. Why do the cuthberts need help?" She asked. Anne starts crying and I decied to leave my dress on the counter and I step outside.

When Anne comes out we all load back up in the buggy and we go to the shop to sell our belongings. When we pull up I grab the sack and Anne grabs the next one and we make our way inside. "How old are you?" The man says. I go to speak but Anne shush me and continues her bargaining. I just stand back and listen to her lies about the things being from the queen and the kingdom. I just hold back my laughter and let her do her thing.

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