Chapter 5~Here we come

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It is morning time. All of them are awake. Eating Breakfast to head off to King's Cross Station.

Breakfast was simple today, Eggs, sausages, bacon bread with usual, mayo and sauce.

"Hurry up kids, we need to head to the station, don't want to be late." Narcissa said.

The children nodded. After they were all done eating, Narcissa said that they would go through floo powder to the station, in pairs. 

Draco and Hermione went first. They both kept their trunks near them, holding each other's hands, stepping into the fire.

"King's Cross Station!" Hermione said, and they vanished in Green fire.

Harry and Ginny, then Ron and Narcissa.

When Hermione and Draco flooded to the station, they both saw the Weasleys. The Weasleys looked at them holding hands, and when Draco and Hermione saw that, they let go of their hands, looking opposite directions.

"Oh, Hermione and Draco! Dears, how have you been?" Molly said, hugging both of them.

"Hi Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, We are good, you ?" Draco replied.

"We are good too, Draco. Where are the others?" Arthur asked.

"They must be here any minute." Hermione replied, and she and Draco started rubbing powder off their clothes, when Harry and Ginny came in.

"Harry! Ginny! You are here!" Molly said, hugging them.

Harry and Ginny chukled.

Next came Ron and Narcissa.

"Ron! Narcissa! So good to see you two!" Molly went and hugged Ron, and started talking to Narcissa.

"Hope these all weren't any trouble to you? It looks like they must have enjoyed a lot." Molly asked.

"Oh no, not at all, they were angels. I am happy that they all enjoyed, putting the past behind." Narcissa replied.

Ron went near the children.

"Bloody hell! I'll miss your mum's food!" Ron whispered to Draco. He laughed.

"Don't worry, you are welcome any time." Draco said.

The clock next to the train gave a sound, alarming people that their is 5 minutes left to board the train.

Molly and Narcissa hugged the children, said the final bye, watching the children leave, and then apparated from there.

Inside the train, Hermione was having difficulty loading her truck onto the train. Draco went and helped her. They both smiled.

Once inside their compartments, they all sat down. Harry, Draco and Ginny on one side while Ron and Hermione on the other side of the seat. 

Harry and Ginny were opposite to Ron, and Draco and Hermione were sitting, opposite to each other.

Harry fell asleep, and Ginny, who was very good in writing stories and plays, was writing one on her parchment, fell asleep on Harry's shoulder.

The trolley came in and Ron ordered some sweets. Since he ate those a bit too much, he fell asleep as well. 

The only people awake now were Hermione and Draco.

Draco looked at others and shook his head. Hermione would normally read a book but reading a book during motion isn't a good thing as it can affect your eyes. So she just sat, looked at others, and then Draco.

Draco looked at her as well. They both stared into each other's eyes.

Draco's eyes were grey. Hermione loved them.

Hermione's eyes were hazel. Draco liked it as well.

Draco looked at her face and chuckled a little at her hair, he found it funny and cute. Hermione frowned a bit but then saw Draco's hair. How on earth is his hair so smooth and silky?

"How do you keep your hair so smooth? People can walk and slip in it." Hermione asked, Draco chuckled once again. Hermione had mumbled the last bit.

"How do you keep your hair so curly? People can get lost into it." Draco mumbled the last part as well, Hermione smiled.

"You are a good person Draco."  Hermione said as Draco smirked.

"Trying to charm me?" Draco said.

"Oh shut up!" Hermione said, turning red in the face. Draco Laughed.

Little did they know, Ginny wasn't actually sleeping.

As they came to Hogwarts, train stopped and they heard Hagrid's voice.

"Firs't  yer's ! e're!" Hagrid shouted. The first years came nervously to Hagrid.

When the first years were transported, the rest came to the boats. They stopped at Hogwarts, looking at the black gate at the front. Opening the black gate was a don't-cross-with-me lady, McGonagall.

All entered Hogwarts, their home, school, everything.

As all the students sat down on their own house tables, Hermione was a little disappointed that Draco had to go to the Slytherin table. She sat at her table. The sorting ceremony took place. Then McGonagall made a speech.

"Hello all, welcome to another year at Hogwarts. And for those new, I hope you find this place a good liking."

Then she made few rules clear to the first years, and then:

"I have another announcement to make. This year, a play will be done by 7th year students. A Shakespeare's very famous play, Romeo and Juliet. A boy and a girl who fall for each other. But the stories will be a bit twisted. How they will be twisted is depended on the writer. There will be auditions for writer and actors. Anybody wishing to volunteer for the decorations of the set ands the costumes, please tell Professor Grubbly-Plank. She is the head of this play, she will be selecting the roles. The dates and the timings will be on the notice board of your dormitory. Let the feast begin."

And they all started eating.

Blaise, Theo, Astoria and Draco were at the Slytherin table. Pansy, Goyle and Crabbe had left Hogwarts and joined Dumstrang, thinking it was better than Hogwarts.

"Have you made friends with the Gryffindors?" Blaise asked Draco.

"Yes. How do you know?" Draco replied.

"Granger keeps looking at you." Astoria replied, smirking.

Draco looked at Hermione, having their eyes locked with each other. Hermione blushed and Ginny whispered something in her ear to which Hermione blushed deep red.

"Looks like you two are making out with your eyes." Ginny whispered.

"Ginny!" Hermione said, blushing deep red.

"What? You two are staring at each other like that."

"I am sure Granger likes you." Astoria said, smirking once more at Draco.

"It's nothing, she was probably looking some other direction." Draco replied.

"And were you?"


"It means you were looking at her."

Draco was annoyed with himself.



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