Chapter 1~Incident at Weasley's Wizard's Wheezes

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It was the 7th year at Hogwarts. Ron, Harry, Ginny and Hermione were taken by Mrs. Weasley and Mr. Weasley to see Weasley Twin's Shop, Weasley's Wizard's Wheezes. Summer break was going on and they had 1 week left and then Back to Hogwarts.

"I'm so Excited!" Ginny Exclaimed. All of them knew that the Weasley Twins were planning this right from when they were in their last year, 7th. Mrs. Weasley thought at first that the Joke Shop won't do good so she Disapproved it, but as they arrived and saw the shop, She felt relived that the shop looked like a shop and not some silly other thing that the customers would not want to go to.

Ginny was of course, 6th year.

Fred and George came out of the shop. Molly ran to hug them.

"Mom, you are squishing us!" Fred mumbled.

"I am so proud of you two! Your father is very happy as well." Molly Exclaimed.

"Indeed, Fred and George, Let's see what's inside." Arthur replied, smiling.

"Come on!!!!" Ginny exclaimed and ran into the shop. Others laughed as the parents shook their heads. 

They all entered in and started exploring the shop when they come near the love potion.

"It helps people fall in love."  George said.

"Yea, Slughorn told us in 6th year." Ron replied.

"But we won't give to our small sister, she has too many boys in her history of dating." Fred said.

Ginny glared at them with her hands on her hips. She looked like the small version of Molly.

"I would rather like it if you both would keep your noses out of my life. I am rather known for a Hex which puts people right to their minds." 

Hermione Laughed. "She is saying the truth, you know."

All of them laughed.


Draco and his mother were in the lane of Diagon Alley, happily. His father was dead, as during the last year when the death eaters were into the castle and after the battle happened, Lucius was caught and was executed as he was warned many times. He was finally free, his mother and him. His Mother was rather happy too. She always felt that Lucius did not treat Draco properly. After Lucius died, Narcissa taught Draco that MuggleBorns should also be treated with kindness and that they were also like us, no difference. 

She did not believe in Blood status, unlike her husband. Draco already knew this as he always had a kind soul underneath. He was trying to change himself. He refused to his mind to only hangout with Slytherins, he also wanted to make friends with Gryffindor and other houses. His mother was glad with him.

The wealth was there left of Lucius, so much that they could give donations and the money would still be a lot. So Draco and his mother were still rich. After Graduating, Draco would take up the family business of potions.

Draco and his mom  were in the alley as of buying his school supplies. His mother was kind to him and he loved his mother. She was overprotective sometimes, and Draco, this time finally begging his mom, was allowed to go walk alone and explore the alley. That's when he came across the Joke shop and saw the Gryffindors. He went into the shop and all looked at him.

"Malfoy? What are you doing here?" Ginny said.


"Came to trouble us?" Ron replied.

"Well-I just-"

"Guys! Wait! Let the boy speak." Fred said.

Draco looked uncomfortable. He was not sure what to say. He quickly mumbled how sorry he was to the people for treating them. He always wanted to be their friend but his father would not approve it so he had to bully them. He turned to the parents and also said sorry. Since his father was dead, he wished to be their friend. 

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