Chapter 2~At the Malfoy Manor

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"Mum, Can Harry, Ron ,Ginny and Hermione come to our place for the last week? "Draco asked his Mom, he Cleary is not eager to let go of his new friends.

"That would be a great Idea! Molly dear, can they come?" Narcissa asked.

"Well, alright, be on your best behavior." Molly replied.

The kids cheered. Hermione was the happiest. 

"Come on children, hold my arm, we can apparate to Malfoy Manor. Acio Ron, Harry, Ginny, Hermione's Clothes." Narcissa said, as the clothes flew and everyone collected theirs.

They all apparated to the Manor. It was around dinner time.

"Wow.." The children exclaimed, except Draco. He and his Mother chuckled.

They all entered the Manor. Everything was black and white. It used to be Black and Grey when Lucious was there, But Narcissa found it too dull. She changed the colours to white and black.

"Magnificent" Ron whispered. Harry nodded.

"Well, there, are some bags, just a bag each and you can keep your clothes in it." Narcissa said, pointing to a corner where some bags were kept. They all took one each and filled it with clothes with it.

As Hermione was putting her clothes, Ginny accidently nudged her hand and her undergarments flew to the other side of the living room. Hermione glared at Ginny. Ginny gave a I-did-not-do-it-on-purpose look. Hermione was about to get it but since Draco was near the corner, he grabbed it to give it to her. Hermione blushed out of embarrassment. Draco chuckled. 

While giving it to her, he whispered: "It's fine, No need to be embarrassed." Hermione's colour grew into a colour of a tomato. 

"Harry and Ron can go upstairs, you will find a spare bedroom. Ginny and Hermione, your bedroom is on this floor, Draco can guide you. You all can settle in and then do whatever you want. Do tell me if you need any requirement." Narcissa said, going upstairs to the boys.

"Come" Draco said, and Ginny and Hermione followed him. 

They opened the door and the Bedroom was beautiful. Right side were two single beds, a small nightstand between. On the left was a bathroom and a cupboard.

"You can keep your clothes in the cupboard. If you need anything, my bedroom is next door." Draco said.

"I'll go to the bathroom." Ginny said, and when to the bathroom.

Draco was about to leave-

"Draco, thank you for everything. And sorry for punching you in 3rd year." Hermione mumbled the last part. Draco chuckled and sat on the opposite bed.

"No Hermione, I should be thankful that you lot gave me a second chance." He replied.

For a moment they both started each other. Then Draco broke the silence.

"Sorry for bullying you, calling you an awful name." Draco said.

"No problem, It's the past. We are friends , and that is what matters." Hermione replied.

Ginny came from the washroom.

"The bathroom's fantastic! Like a hotel!" Ginny exclaimed, Draco Laughed.

Draco left the room, as Ginny went and sat on her bed. 

"Long day" Ginny said, yawning, lying on her bed.

"Don't fall asleep, Narcissa would be calling us any minute for dinner." Hermione said.  Ginny Grunted. After their friendly conversation with each other in the Twin's shop, she called Draco's mom Narcissa.

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