Chapter 2: Meeting Daddy

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You smile as you see your mom and say "hi mom". She goes over to you and picks you up in a hug. You hug her tightly back and whisper "I missed you so much". She rubs your back and says "I missed you too baby". Your mom realizes something and then puts you down and goes to your dad frantic. "Did anyone see you? Did he see you?" she asks him. "He? Who else is here? What's going on?" he questions her. "Daddy's coming. We need to go" she says as she grabs you and your dad's hands leading you away. You trust your mom so you just follow her but your dad questions "daddy?". Your mom becomes more frantic and says "we need to go--now!". You follow close behind your mom. "Mom, where are we going?" you ask her. "Someplace safe sweetheart" she says softly. You nod and continue after her. "Mia, are you gonna tell us what's going on?" your dad asks her. "Baby, you've been gone for three years" he says. "Three years? Has it really been three years?" she questions. You squeeze her hand. She leads you and your dad behind a board, checking if anyone's there. She gets scared when she hears a rattle of metal but you just squeeze her hand again to comfort her. Your dad gets a little frustrated and says "what is this place? What did they do to you?". "Ethan not now, not in front of y/n, we need to get out of here first" she says and looks down at you when she says your name. "I think it's this way" she says and points. You follow her through a dimly lit room and see a bunch of goop or blood, some kind of substance. Your dad stops you both again and says "Mia, we have to talk. That message you sent me...". "Not me. That's wasn't me!" she replies, raising her voice. "But you did!" your dad argues back. "I didn't." she rebuttals. "Ok, fine. Just tell me what's going on" your dad says trying to calm the situation. "I am telling you everything that I know" she says. She continues pointing us the way and you're getting more and more uneasy as you continue through this place. You slide through a tight space and on the other side is a hallway that leads you to a door. "I remember this room. There's another door here. I'm sure of it" she says once you get on the other side of the door. Your mom starts to freak out and say "it's not here. It's gone. It's gone!". She turns and says "Ethan, we're gonna be a family now that you're here". You look at her confusedly and say "mom? We are a family". She ignores you and goes to sit on the couch. Your dad tells her to stay put and takes you to look around. While you're in the next room you hear a loud crash and your mom screaming. When you go back in she's gone and there's a hole in the wall leading to another room. Your dad regains the lead and makes sure you're close to him. You walk into the room and up the stairs. When you get into the next part of the house it's better lit and nicer. You and your dad look around until you both hear a banging coming from the stairs. "y/n, stay here" he says to you as he goes to check it out. You're literally shaking in your boots as he walks down the stairs. The next thing you know you see your dad flying into the wall. "Dad!" you scream, scared. You see someone who looks like a creepy version of your mom with a knife, throw him towards you. She tries to stab him with the knife. You scream "mom stop it!". He gets her off of him but then they start fighting. All of sudden she stops and drops the knife and freaks out saying "I can hear her... I can feel her clawing her way back inside of me. Get out! Leave me alone!". She starts banging her head against the wall and you stare on in horror. "I've been bad. I deserve this" she says and knocks her head one last time before collapsing. Your dad gets up and says "what the fuck are you, Mia?". You start crying and say "dad, what's wrong with mommy". He turns around and hugs you "I don't know, but we'll get her back okay?". You nod and he wipes your tears. As you're looking around Mia gets up again and throws your dad into a wall which reveals another room. She looks at you and says "I'll deal with you later". They start fighting and before you know it your mom is on the ground again and she looks dead. "Mom?" you question with tears in your eyes. Your dad turns around and ushers you away. Then the phone starts ringing and he picks it up. You can't hear the conversation so you just let it be. After he hangs up the door that was locked isn't anymore. You walk towards it and walk through it. Your dad doesn't let you lead for long though and goes in front of you. Your dad finds the fuse and puts it in the fuse box. As your walking back your mom pops out of the doorway and says "Ethan! Y/n! It's ok. It's ok, it's me. I know you didn't mean to hurt me". She grabs him and slams him against the wall and screams "but you shouldn't have done that! It fucking hurt!". She pins his hand into the wall. You run up to her trying to push her away but she grabs you and throws you into the wall. You grab your shoulder in pain. "Don't touch him!" your dad screams back. She goes away and then comes back with a chainsaw. You look away as she cuts your dads hand off. She goes away saying she needs to control herself. You get up and help your dad get up. You go upstairs and your dad finds a handgun. He looks over at you and says "it's okay y/n, I'm gonna protect you". You nod your head, feeling a little more calm. But that calm ends as you hear the chainsaw when your dad starts to climb the ladder. "Y/n! Run!" your dad screams at you. He doesn't have to tell you twice as you run back the way you came. Shortly you see your dad loading bullets into your mom's face and finally she falls on her knees and says "I love you" then passes out. You cry a little and feel stunned. This is so crazy, you don't know what to do. "Hey, it's over buddy. We'll find a way out of here" he says and tries to calm you down. You just nod your head. As you turn to leave you hear a scuffle and turn around to see someone punching your dad and say "welcome to the family, son". Your dad passes out besides your mom. Then he looks at you and says "and you, oh Evie hates you. Your daddy can't protect you forever". He comes towards you and you try to punch him and fight him off but he slams your head against a wall and you pass out. The last thing you see is him carrying you and your parents outside. You think 'am I going to die?' as you pass out again.

To be continued...

Ethan and Mia Winters x Male Child ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang