♡Chapter 10: Love? ♡

Start from the beginning

Y/n: Yes?

I turned to look at her only to see she was still asleep. I softly smiled and climbed in next to her. She tossed and turned in her sleep, she reached her hand out and tapped the bed, seemingly looking for something. She kept tapping the bed until she tapped my arm. She furrowed her brows and grabbed my arm to pull me into her chest. My face warms up and I burry my head further into her neck, she hums and puts her arms around my waist. I pull my face from her neck and look at her peaceful face. I gently skimmed my fingers over the the face that I fell in love with. I'm not sure of many things.. but one thing I know is...

I'm in love with Jinx...

Y/n: tomorrow, I'm going to confess.

I kiss the tip of her nose and snuggle into her chest before nodding off to dreamland.


I woke up to small rays of light coming through our room's windows. I was about to turn around in the bed before I felt something tight around me. I panicked for a moment before I remember last night. I blush and turn to face her. Out of all the years we slept in the same bed together, this was the closest you've ever been. It felt like yesterday. You and the group were just kids..  kids who were trying to make due in life with the world they were living in. I smiled sadly and touched Jinx's face.

Y/n: I'm sorry.

I snuggled my face into her neck.

Jinx: Sorry for what, toots?

I jumped a bit and lifted my face from the crook of her neck.

Y/n: Uh, um, Jinx! Goodmorning. How, how long have you been awake?

Jinx: Long enough. What's going through that pretty head of yours?

I looked at her with wide eyes, I redirected my gaze to anything else but her. She furrowed her brows and grabbed my chin with her thumb and pointer finger.

Jinx: You didn't answer me. Are you alright?

I smiled at her. I took her hand from my chin and nudged my cheek into her palm.

Y/n: Nothing, it's just..

I sighed, let's get this over with.

Y/n: Could you meet me in the arcade at seven o'clock?

She raised one of her eyebrows and smirked.

Jinx: I don't know, toots.. I think I kind of like the position we're in now.

She snuggles her face into my chest. My face once again becomes warm, but this time, I want to enjoy this. I put one of my hands at the back of her head to play with her hair, and I use the other to rub gently up and down her back.

Y/n: fine, one more hour, but after that I gotta go, and this time you can't follow me.

Jinx hugged me tighter and squeezed me with the arms she had slung over my waist. She hums before answering.

Jinx: Deal.

I smiled at her, and hummed her the song we used to sing together. The very song we sung together that day on the bridge.


After the long cuddle session with Jinx it was time for me to get up, even though I really didn't want to, I had to do something important.

Y/n: Jinxy~ I need to get up now
(~ means dragging out a word)

Jinx: Ugh. Fine~

She slowly gets up and stretches. She yawned and put her hand on her head. She paused and looked at me.

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