🔘Chapter 10

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Y/n's POV

Giyuu actually ordered me, and those three boys to go to the butterfly mansion. Shinobu and Aoi examined us. Turns out my shoulder was no longer dislocated but Shinobu told me that it needed to heal properly. Meaning that I had to stay at the butterfly mansion for a few days. "Tomioka, you look quite stressed" Shinobu spoke to Giyuu. "That demon was a former demon slayer, the way he talked about the corps was concerning" He explained to her. "This is why we need to eliminate these evil demons. I think more slayers should have the wisteria in their blood. Y/n seems fine with it" Shinobu explained as she took a glance over to me. Please don't I mouthed to her. The wisteria was helpful that one time but it was still a new thing so I was a bit skeptical. The three boys also got checked out. The red haired boy, Tanjiro had a slight concussion but it would heal quickly. The boar head, Inosuke had a sprained wrist and the yellow haired boy was fine. I wasn't expecting Inosuke to look so...beautiful under the mask. He has black shoulder length hair with blue tips and his eyes were green like mine. "What you lookin at?" Inosuke asked me. "Nothing" I replied. "How are you feeling Y/n?" Giyuu asked me. "Fine" I replied. "You know you're crazy right?" Giyuu said to me. "Maybe a little" I replied. "You may be crazy but you were amazing out there. In such little time you were able to swing a sword beautifully" Giyuu complimented me. My cheeks turned a bit red. "I just did what I had to do" I replied to him. 

Shinobu's POV

I saw as Y/n and Giyuu spoke to each other and I realized that they were falling in love. They probably didn't realize yet, but they were in love. "Shinobu, a sword maker is here to see Miss Y/n" Aoi said to me. "Y/nnnn" she jumped when she heard my voice. "there's someone here to see you for your new weapon" I explained to her. "Okay" She replied. We greeted the sword maker. It was Mr. Haganezuka, he was wearing his straw hat and mask but he was carrying a bag. It was most likely the different metals for the sword. When he entered the mansion he sat down across from us and took out the metals. "Whichever ore you pick will be the one that I use for your sword" Mr. Haganezuka explained to Y/n. She sat there and analyzed every ore for a few moments. They all looked similar so it was hard to find the right one to use. "I don't have all day lady" Mr. Haganezuka said to Y/n. She picked up an ore it was bigger than her hand so she used both hands to pick it up. "I think this one will work" She said to Haganezuka. "Okay" he packed up all of his things. "You'll have your sword in 10 days, if you break it, I'll break you" He threatened Y/n. "I'll make sure to remember that" She replied nervously. "You better" Mr. Haganezuka replied before leaving. "My god that was stressful" Y/n said. "I felt the pressure" I said to her. "I'm gonna go check on the boys" Y/n said. 

Giyuu's POV 

Y/n came back into the infirmary to check on Tanjiro and Inosuke. "Y/n can you train me?" Tanjiro asked her. "Uhhh I'm not fully recovered and I don't know if you are" She said to him. "I'll ask Lady Shinobu if it's okay" Tanjiro said excitedly. Y/n looked over at me. "He has a kind heart" she said. I nodded at her. "Just like you" I said to her. "Don't say stuff like that, it makes me feel...different" She said to me. "Different in a good way?" I asked her. "I don't know how to explain it..." She said. "Giyuu Tomioka! I have a mission for you!" My old crow yelled at me. Y/n looked at me sadly and I felt the same emotion as her, I didn't want to leave her after all the time we spent together. "Go Giyuu, I won't be here, but I'll find you again" Y/n said to me. Her minty eyes looked so hurt but I really had to do what she said and I left the butterfly mansion. 

Y/n's POV 

"Shinobu said I can train and you don't have to do too much, just tell me what to do and I'll do it" Tanjiro said. We went outside and I told Tanjiro all my secrets to success. "As you already know, I'm not a normal demon slayer, I use a bow and arrow so most of the time I'm in trees or high up." I explained. "I see...it's good to have high ground sometimes" Tanjiro said. "One thing that you need is balance, you need to be able to walk on tree branches thinner than your own feet" I explained as I looked at a tree. "You want me to get on that tree?" Tanjiro asked. "Yes" I said to him. As first he struggled but then he got the hang of it. "Okay now walk on your toes" I said. "What?!" Tanjiro asked me. "You heard me" I replied. He fell when he tried to walk so we took a break for the day. I went inside and got something to eat. "What's on your mind?" Shinobu asked me. "Nothing" I replied to her. "I've known you for a long time and I grew up with you so I know when something's on your mind" Shinobu said to me. "I don't know how to talk about my feelings-" "You're in love with Tomioka aren't you?" Shinobu cut me off. My eyes widened. "...in love?" I asked. "I see the way you look at him and the way your face gets all red" Shinobu went on. My face had gotten red again. "My point exactly" Shinobu said. I put my head down on the table. "Don't worry it's cute" Shinobu said. "I don't know when I'll see him again" I replied. "You're right...that can get a little problematic. I can put in a word with Lord Ubuyashiki and see if you two can get another mission together but that might take some time" Shinobu said. "You can do that?" I asked her. "I mean I am the Insect Hashira and I've heard that you two work together really well" Shinobu smiled. "Thank you" I said to her. "Y/n...don't try to hide your feelings, you don't know how long you have with him. Especially with the demons we've been facing" She said to me. "I know" I replied to her.

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